{“id”:”236450289771819″,”name”:”Creative Kimmie – Small Business Consultant & Hand Crafted Creations”,”location”:{“city”:”Sydney”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.8696,”longitude”:151.20696,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”www.creativekimmie.com.au”,”zip”:”2000″},”emails”:[“kim.carruthers@creativekimmie.com.au”],”website”:”http:\/\/www.creativekimmie.com.au”,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/CreativeKimmie\/”,”single_line_address”:”www.creativekimmie.com.au, Sydney, Australia 2000″,”about”:”Bringing everyday & luxury creativity into your life! \n\u00a92017 Creative Kimmie Pty Ltd”,”category”:”Business Consultant”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”179672275401610″,”name”:”Business Consultant”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1027425204007653″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:57,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/13123189_1027425204007653_6396202594386969076_o.jpg?oh=48ceaec30fcdfdfeaf78ddd28730c86a&oe=59634AC0″,”id”:”1027425204007653″},”description”:”Creative Kimmie specialises in small business consultancy, providing solutions for your business needs. Ranging from help with set up, expanding on existing operations to run more smoothly to updating store signage.\n\nExperience in Graphic Design and hand drawn illustrations, Creative Kimmie can help create the mood your looking for in your store. From instore posters, the menus, advertisements and signage.\n\nCreative Kimmie also creates quality handcrafted products & designs for your home and for all those special moments in your life. Products are carefully & with much love and passion handcrafted using a variety of materials that are new, repurposed & upcycled. Giving previously owned materials a new lease on life. “,”description_html”:”Creative Kimmie specialises in small business consultancy, providing solutions for your business needs. Ranging from help with set up, expanding on existing operations to run more smoothly to updating store signage.\n\nExperience in Graphic Design and hand drawn illustrations, Creative Kimmie can help create the mood your looking for in your store. From instore posters, the menus, advertisements and signage.\n\nCreative Kimmie also creates quality handcrafted products & designs for your home and for all those special moments in your life. Products are carefully & with much love and passion handcrafted using a variety of materials that are new, repurposed & upcycled. Giving previously owned materials a new lease on life. “,”display_subtext”:”www.creativekimmie.com.au\u30fbSydney, Australia”,”fan_count”:79,”founded”:”2012″,”overall_star_rating”:0}