Coreplex Business Consultants

{“id”:”525520767563508″,”name”:”Coreplex Business Consultants”,”location”:{“city”:”Sydney”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.87607,”longitude”:151.2229,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”1 Kings Cross Road”,”zip”:”2010″},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”0281881055″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/Coreplex-Business-Consultants-525520767563508\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Reserve Bank of Australia”,”id”:”106130916083870″},{“name”:”Kings Cross”,”id”:”153478621351612″},{“name”:”Potts Point Partnership”,”id”:”182215998484807″},{“name”:”National Australia Bank”,”id”:”106134139416862″},{“name”:”Westpac”,”id”:”102801482742″},{“name”:”BMT Tax Depreciation”,”id”:”193830160645465″},{“name”:”Australian Taxation Office”,”id”:”191094590911195″},{“name”:”ANZ Australia”,”id”:”208091002641679″},{“name”:”TF Management Concepts”,”id”:”598481906872589″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”MTA2MTMwOTE2MDgzODcw”,”after”:”NTk4NDgxOTA2ODcyNTg5″}}},”single_line_address”:”1 Kings Cross Road, Sydney, Australia 2010″,”about”:”We’re a Sydney based company providing professional business services across a wide spectrum of business.”,”category”:”Professional Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”139976092733827″,”name”:”Accountant”},{“id”:”179672275401610″,”name”:”Business Consultant”},{“id”:”2500″,”name”:”Local Business”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”557899237658994″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:87,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/1912407_557899237658994_4030270869550425580_o.jpg?oh=bb8f3f89326ebd979cf15aceb2b25de3&oe=592F6736″,”id”:”557899237658994″},”description”:”SOLE TRADERS\nAll businesses need to have an ABN, unless they are considered to be a hobby which will never generate a profit; and therefore not considered to be a proper business. The ABN does not determine the business name. A business name is required to be registered with the department of fair trading, when it contains more than just the persons individual name. Instead of saying withhold tax, we would suggest putting tax aside. It is advisable to set up 2 business bank accounts when starting up. One for the everyday business transactions, and second to transfer money to for future tax obligations such as income tax and GST.\n\nPARTNERSHIP TAX\nCoreplex wants to give you a hand and share a few things to consider, when delving into a partnership with a mate, your husband, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or a total stranger.\n\nCOMPANIES\nSo you have yourself a company. Some of you might be wondering exactly what a company is, to see if you own one or perhaps you have another type of business like a partnership. Companies have a more complex or tricky business structures than other businesses, and their setup and admin costs are generally higher than other business structures but they have heaps of perks too.\nA company is a legal entity in its own right separate from its directors and shareholders and provides limited liability protection which in regular non-jargony terms means, partners or investors cannot lose more than the amount invested in said company. Thus, the investor or partner is not personally responsible for the debts and obligations of the company, in the event that you can\u2019t cover these financially. If you want our help setting up your new company, just ask! Coreplex can definitely help you to kick start this venture or if you are feeling independent, go to\n\nCORPORATE TAX\nCoreplex provides accurate and efficient tax services with minimal disruption to the corporate workflow. Coreplex, will set up and process your tax and all the deductions and implications associated with it, saving yourself time, money and the frustrations of corporate tax. Reap the benefits of having the qualified and seasoned professionals to take care of the highly stressful ins and outs of corporate income tax.\n\nTRUSTS\nA trust is a bit different to other types of businesses. We are here to help you figure out the ins and outs of trusts in all their glory. A trust is basically a relationship, where the trustee runs a business for the benefit of certain beneficiaries. It isn\u2019t regarded as a legal entity ,like a company or as a person like an individual, it is a relationship.\n\nPERSONAL\nTAX\nCoreplex eliminates the fear & takes the guesswork out of doing your individual tax return. It is one of the scariest times of the year, but also exciting too. You have done the hard yards, Let us do ours.\n\nPERSONAL\nIAS\nINSTALMENT ACTIVITY STATEMENTS\nInstalment activity statements are for taxpayers who make PAYG instalments. If you anticipate owing tax at the end of the financial year, Lodging an IAS Return and making PAYG instalments are crucial as the daily running of your business. \n\nAside of these service provisions, Coreplex can help your business in any accounting way required.\n\nGet in touch with us and we’ll get straight to it.”,”description_html”:”SOLE TRADERS\nAll businesses need to have an ABN, unless they are considered to be a hobby which will never generate a profit; and therefore not considered to be a proper business. The ABN does not determine the business name. A business name is required to be registered with the department of fair trading, when it contains more than just the persons individual name. Instead of saying withhold tax, we would suggest putting tax aside. It is advisable to set up 2 business bank accounts when starting up. One for the everyday business transactions, and second to transfer money to for future tax obligations such as income tax and GST.\n\nPARTNERSHIP TAX\nCoreplex wants to give you a hand and share a few things to consider, when delving into a partnership with a mate, your husband, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or a total stranger.\n\nCOMPANIES\nSo you have yourself a company. Some of you might be wondering exactly what a company is, to see if you own one or perhaps you have another type of business like a partnership. Companies have a more complex or tricky business structures than other businesses, and their setup and admin costs are generally higher than other business structures but they have heaps of perks too.\nA company is a legal entity in its own right separate from its directors and shareholders and provides limited liability protection which in regular non-jargony terms means, partners or investors cannot lose more than the amount invested in said company. Thus, the investor or partner is not personally responsible for the debts and obligations of the company, in the event that you can\u2019t cover these financially. If you want our help setting up your new company, just ask! Coreplex can definitely help you to kick start this venture or if you are feeling independent, go to\n\nCORPORATE TAX\nCoreplex provides accurate and efficient tax services with minimal disruption to the corporate workflow. Coreplex, will set up and process your tax and all the deductions and implications associated with it, saving yourself time, money and the frustrations of corporate tax. Reap the benefits of having the qualified and seasoned professionals to take care of the highly stressful ins and outs of corporate income tax.\n\nTRUSTS\nA trust is a bit different to other types of businesses. We are here to help you figure out the ins and outs of trusts in all their glory. A trust is basically a relationship, where the trustee runs a business for the benefit of certain beneficiaries. It isn\u2019t regarded as a legal entity ,like a company or as a person like an individual, it is a relationship.\n\nPERSONAL\nTAX\nCoreplex eliminates the fear & takes the guesswork out of doing your individual tax return. It is one of the scariest times of the year, but also exciting too. You have done the hard yards, Let us do ours.\n\nPERSONAL\nIAS\nINSTALMENT ACTIVITY STATEMENTS\nInstalment activity statements are for taxpayers who make PAYG instalments. If you anticipate owing tax at the end of the financial year, Lodging an IAS Return and making PAYG instalments are crucial as the daily running of your business. \n\nAside of these service provisions, Coreplex can help your business in any accounting way required.\n\nGet in touch with us and we’ll get straight to it.”,”display_subtext”:”1 Kings Cross Road\u30fbSydney, Australia\u30fb2 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:17,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”09:00″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”09:00″,”tue_1_close”:”17:00″,”wed_1_open”:”09:00″,”wed_1_close”:”17:00″,”thu_1_open”:”09:00″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″,”fri_1_open”:”09:00″,”fri_1_close”:”17:00″},”overall_star_rating”:5}

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