{“id”:”131861050199348″,”name”:”Maggie Beer’s Farm Shop”,”location”:{“city”:”Nuriootpa”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-34.48332,”longitude”:138.97674,”state”:”SA”,”street”:”50 Pheasant Farm Rd”,”zip”:”5355″},”emails”:[“mrmcd78@gmail.com”],”website”:”http:\/\/www.maggiebeer.com.au\/farmshop\/”,”phone”:”08 8562 4477″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/MaggieBeersFarmShop\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Time Flys Travel”,”id”:”321049221312637″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”MzIxMDQ5MjIxMzEyNjM3″,”after”:”MzIxMDQ5MjIxMzEyNjM3″}}},”single_line_address”:”50 Pheasant Farm Rd, Nuriootpa, South Australia 5355″,”category”:”Local Business”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”128673187201735″,”name”:”Coffee Shop”},{“id”:”128232937246338″,”name”:”Travel & Transportation”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1167102946675148″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:47,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/13652915_1167102946675148_345733711836611621_o.jpg?oh=146f63be112a58d311b03cfa8fabee87&oe=59670C05″,”id”:”1167102946675148″},”description”:”It might be a coffee and cake or sweetmeats; our ice-creams or a picnic basket with a glass of wine – with tables available inside and out, weather dependent, of course. During harvest time, we have fresh fruit and cider from the orchard too, and so there is always something to share.\n\nWe encourage our visitors to wander around the Farm Shop and take the opportunity to taste all the products; in fact this is the only place in Australia where you have the chance to see and try just about every product we make.\n\nIf you\u2019d like to know more about two ingredients that are so vital to Maggie\u2019s cooking and so versatile; Verjuice and Vino Cotto, there is a free demonstration led by one of the Farm Shop team to show you just how simply you can add that special quality to your cooking too.”,”description_html”:”It might be a coffee and cake or sweetmeats; our ice-creams or a picnic basket with a glass of wine – with tables available inside and out, weather dependent, of course. During harvest time, we have fresh fruit and cider from the orchard too, and so there is always something to share.\n\nWe encourage our visitors to wander around the Farm Shop and take the opportunity to taste all the products; in fact this is the only place in Australia where you have the chance to see and try just about every product we make.\n\nIf you\u2019d like to know more about two ingredients that are so vital to Maggie\u2019s cooking and so versatile; Verjuice and Vino Cotto, there is a free demonstration led by one of the Farm Shop team to show you just how simply you can add that special quality to your cooking too.”,”display_subtext”:”50 Pheasant Farm Rd\u30fbNuriootpa, South Australia\u30fb51,071 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:6396,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”10:30″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”10:30″,”tue_1_close”:”17:00″,”wed_1_open”:”10:30″,”wed_1_close”:”17:00″,”thu_1_open”:”10:30″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″,”fri_1_open”:”10:30″,”fri_1_close”:”17:00″,”sat_1_open”:”10:30″,”sat_1_close”:”17:00″,”sun_1_open”:”10:30″,”sun_1_close”:”17:00″},”overall_star_rating”:4.3}