Anytime Roof Repair LLC

{“id”:”138635866298966″,”name”:”Anytime Roof Repair LLC”,”location”:{“city”:”Bradley”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:41.143219,”longitude”:-87.8695679,”state”:”IL”,”street”:”635 W Broadway St”,”zip”:”60915″},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”(815) 954-4436″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/Anytime-Roof-Repair-LLC-138635866298966\/”,”single_line_address”:”635 W Broadway St, Bradley, Illinois 60915″,”about”:”Anytime Roof Repair LLC specializes in roofing, but we are also a full service contractor that can fix those unsightly water spots or build that new house.”,”category”:”Professional Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”206284062724685″,”name”:”Roofer”},{“id”:”124816677590074″,”name”:”Contractor”},{“id”:”2500″,”name”:”Local Business”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”533536953475520″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:47,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-0\/p180x540\/12196058_533536953475520_657928454590129478_n.jpg?oh=fcdc814075d55f71b8994ac278822bcc&oe=5933D62D”,”id”:”533536953475520″},”description”:”Anytime Roof Repair LLC in \nBradley, IL is a roofing company dedicated to providing our customers with excellent service. We can help you extend the life of your property’s roofing or exterior systems.\n\nWe Provides Services To:\nResidential Properties\nCommercial Properties\nIndustrial Properties\n\nOur locally owned company understands that replacing a roofing system can be a financially devastating expense for many home and business owners. Through our simple and effective maintenance and repair services, we help you greatly improve the life expectancy of your current roof while keeping it safe, and moisture free,\nContact Us for More Information\n\nAnytime Roof Repair LLC is available 24 hours, 7 days a week for roofing services and accepts cash, check, and all major credit cards as payment. Call today if you need roof maintenance and repairs.\n(815) 954-4436″,”description_html”:”Anytime Roof Repair LLC in \nBradley, IL is a roofing company dedicated to providing our customers with excellent service. We can help you extend the life of your property’s roofing or exterior systems.\n\nWe Provides Services To:\nResidential Properties\nCommercial Properties\nIndustrial Properties\n\nOur locally owned company understands that replacing a roofing system can be a financially devastating expense for many home and business owners. Through our simple and effective maintenance and repair services, we help you greatly improve the life expectancy of your current roof while keeping it safe, and moisture free,\nContact Us for More Information\n\nAnytime Roof Repair LLC is available 24 hours, 7 days a week for roofing services and accepts cash, check, and all major credit cards as payment. Call today if you need roof maintenance and repairs.\n(815) 954-4436″,”display_subtext”:”635 W Broadway St\u30fbBradley, Illinois”,”fan_count”:239,”overall_star_rating”:4.4}

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