{“id”:”1481115878808245″,”name”:”Specific Chiropractic”,”location”:{“city”:”New York”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:40.76058,”longitude”:-73.97065,”state”:”NY”,”street”:”120 E 56th St, Ste 740″,”zip”:”10022″},”website”:”http:\/\/www.gonsteadnyc.com”,”phone”:”(212) 486-9800″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/gonsteadnyc\/”,”single_line_address”:”120 E 56th St, Ste 740, New York, New York 10022″,”about”:”Providing Gonstead structural correction for Midtown, Manhattan, New York City”,”category”:”Medical & Health”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”192781160749720″,”name”:”Chiropractor”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1783451238574706″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:64,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/14633368_1783451238574706_3923118565174821007_o.png?oh=8ed555e0ffb7f3d71fbff1056c334bf1&oe=59732100″,”id”:”1783451238574706″},”description”:”At Specific Chiropractic, located in NYC, we focus on structural correction using the precise Gonstead method of chiropractic. Utilizing 5 objective indicators, we determine whether you have a structural shift or not. If your structure shifts out of alignment, it may result in secondary conditions such as neurological impingement syndrome (pinched nerves), degenerated vertebra, degenerated discs, herniated discs, pelvic instability, knee pain, ankle pain, plantar fasciitis, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, Type O Disorders, and so on and so forth. To determine whether we’re the right solution for you, give us a call for a complimentary consultation where a consultation is a conversation, not a commitment!”,”description_html”:”At Specific Chiropractic, located in NYC, we focus on structural correction using the precise Gonstead method of chiropractic. Utilizing 5 objective indicators, we determine whether you have a structural shift or not. If your structure shifts out of alignment, it may result in secondary conditions such as neurological impingement syndrome (pinched nerves), degenerated vertebra, degenerated discs, herniated discs, pelvic instability, knee pain, ankle pain, plantar fasciitis, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, Type O Disorders, and so on and so forth. To determine whether we’re the right solution for you, give us a call for a complimentary consultation where a consultation is a conversation, not a commitment!”,”display_subtext”:”120 E 56th St, Ste 740\u30fbNew York, New York\u30fb104 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:424,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”08:00″,”mon_1_close”:”19:00″,”tue_1_open”:”08:00″,”tue_1_close”:”19:00″,”wed_1_open”:”08:00″,”wed_1_close”:”19:00″,”thu_1_open”:”08:00″,”thu_1_close”:”19:00″,”fri_1_open”:”08:00″,”fri_1_close”:”19:00″,”sat_1_open”:”08:00″,”sat_1_close”:”12:00″},”overall_star_rating”:4.5}