Sydney Children Dentistry

{“id”:”221826268003342″,”name”:”Sydney Children Dentistry”,”location”:{“city”:”Sydney”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.870453556751,”longitude”:151.20812667469,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”4\/207 Pitt St”,”zip”:”2000″},”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”0292677777″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/Sydney-Children-Dentistry-221826268003342\/”,”single_line_address”:”4\/207 Pitt St, Sydney, Australia 2000″,”about”:”At Smile Concepts, we want your children to have the best dental and medical health possible. “,”category”:”Health\/Beauty”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”133152263416981″,”name”:”Hospital”},{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”},{“id”:”164436443610134″,”name”:”Teeth Whitening Service”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”221826718003297″,”offset_x”:49,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/1545938_221826718003297_1766701909_n.jpg?oh=86a5a7951171f411ad64999a513b0238&oe=59690ABC”,”id”:”221826718003297″},”description”:”isits to a dentist by children as young as 2 years of age, is important in order to detect any problems in growth and oral health as soon as possible. Early visits also gets them used to having their teeth checked, relieving any problems of visits as they get older.\n\nIf you child has had the following signs, symptoms or habits please contact Smile Concepts Dental Surgery to get an opinion on the necessary management\n \n- crooked teeth\n- grinding teeth and worn down teeth\n- teeth not meeting in the front (open bite)\n- snoring\n- breathing problems\n- bed wetting\n- multiple ear infections\n- thumb sucking\n- using a pacifier or a dummy\n- headaches”,”description_html”:”isits to a dentist by children as young as 2 years of age, is important in order to detect any problems in growth and oral health as soon as possible. Early visits also gets them used to having their teeth checked, relieving any problems of visits as they get older.\n\nIf you child has had the following signs, symptoms or habits please contact Smile Concepts Dental Surgery to get an opinion on the necessary management\n \n- crooked teeth\n- grinding teeth and worn down teeth\n- teeth not meeting in the front (open bite)\n- snoring\n- breathing problems\n- bed wetting\n- multiple ear infections\n- thumb sucking\n- using a pacifier or a dummy\n- headaches”,”display_subtext”:”4\/207 Pitt St\u30fbSydney, Australia\u30fb3 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:7,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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