{“id”:”271071362917097″,”name”:”Bondi Personal Trainer”,”location”:{“city”:”North Bondi”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.8913538,”longitude”:151.27396898333,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”19 Oakley Road”,”zip”:”2026″},”emails”:[“bondipersonaltrainer@gmail.com”],”website”:”http:\/\/www.bondipersonaltrainer.net.au”,”phone”:”0290378235 “,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/bondipersonaltrainer\/”,”single_line_address”:”19 Oakley Road, North Bondi 2026″,”about”:”The ONLY Bondi Personal Trainer\nthat Guarantees Results in 30 Day\u2019s or Your Money Back!”,”category”:”Local Business”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”181045748599578″,”name”:”Personal Trainer”},{“id”:”184405378265823″,”name”:”Gym\/Physical Fitness Center”},{“id”:”109615542448700″,”name”:”Gym\/Physical Fitness Center”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”426975967326635″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:72,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-0\/p180x540\/462123_426975967326635_1109866749_o.jpg?oh=feb329a3b28f777a613f40cce7962390&oe=5971810B”,”id”:”426975967326635″},”description”:”Let Me Ask You A Question\u2026 \n\nAre You Fed Up With:\n\n* Diets that are meant to work but are impossible to stick to?\n* Workouts that seem to be on repeat?\n* Never having the time to get to the gym and have a really effective workout?\n* Feeling like you are alone on this journey and you do not have anyone to motivate or inspire you?\n\nMy name is Dan\u2026 for over 12 years I\u2019ve been living in Bondi Beach and helping thousands of local residents get into killer shape with my fitness company bondipersonaltrainer.net.au.\n\nThrough years of education, training clients, trial and error \u2013 I have designed a system that know will work 100% of the time\u2026 if followed carefully.\n\nI know what you may be thinking about \u201cPersonal Trainers\u201d\u2026\n\nIt\u2019s pretty common words these days, you hear it almost everywhere you go (especially in Bondi)\u2026\n\n\u201cEveryone\u2019s a personal trainer, you can get a certificate on the internet\u201d.\n\nWell not here you can\u2019t, all our personal trainers are trained by me personally in the \u2018real world\u2019 for at least 3-6 months before I even think of taking them on as a \u2018Dangerously Fit Personal Trainer\u2019.\n\nbondipersonaltrainer.net.au is not a fly by night operation or chain gym, we\u2019re here to stay and care about our clients getting results\u2026 we spend very little money on advertising and rely on referrals to spread the word.\n\nVisit my website To Register For Your 2 Week Trial!”,”description_html”:”Let Me Ask You A Question\u2026 \n\nAre You Fed Up With:\n\n* Diets that are meant to work but are impossible to stick to?\n* Workouts that seem to be on repeat?\n* Never having the time to get to the gym and have a really effective workout?\n* Feeling like you are alone on this journey and you do not have anyone to motivate or inspire you?\n\nMy name is Dan\u2026 for over 12 years I\u2019ve been living in Bondi Beach and helping thousands of local residents get into killer shape with my fitness company bondipersonaltrainer.net.au.\n\nThrough years of education, training clients, trial and error \u2013 I have designed a system that know will work 100% of the time\u2026 if followed carefully.\n\nI know what you may be thinking about \u201cPersonal Trainers\u201d\u2026\n\nIt\u2019s pretty common words these days, you hear it almost everywhere you go (especially in Bondi)\u2026\n\n\u201cEveryone\u2019s a personal trainer, you can get a certificate on the internet\u201d.\n\nWell not here you can\u2019t, all our personal trainers are trained by me personally in the \u2018real world\u2019 for at least 3-6 months before I even think of taking them on as a \u2018Dangerously Fit Personal Trainer\u2019.\n\nbondipersonaltrainer.net.au is not a fly by night operation or chain gym, we\u2019re here to stay and care about our clients getting results\u2026 we spend very little money on advertising and rely on referrals to spread the word.\n\nVisit my website To Register For Your 2 Week Trial!”,”display_subtext”:”19 Oakley Road\u30fbNorth Bondi\u30fb253 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:187,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”06:00″,”mon_1_close”:”20:00″,”tue_1_open”:”06:00″,”tue_1_close”:”20:00″,”wed_1_open”:”06:00″,”wed_1_close”:”20:00″,”thu_1_open”:”06:00″,”thu_1_close”:”20:00″,”fri_1_open”:”06:00″,”fri_1_close”:”20:00″,”sat_1_open”:”06:00″,”sat_1_close”:”20:00″},”overall_star_rating”:5}