{“id”:”476689092373936″,”name”:”Damian Steele – Eastern Suburbs Property News”,”location”:{“city”:”Edgecliff”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.878745,”longitude”:151.2366205,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”191 New South Head Road”,”zip”:”2027″},”emails”:[“damiansteele@mcgrath.com.au”],”website”:”http:\/\/www.mcgrath.com.au”,”phone”:”0411 832 584 “,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/DamianSteeleEasternSuburbsEstateAgent\/”,”single_line_address”:”191 New South Head Road, Edgecliff, New South Wales, Australia 2027″,”about”:”Servicing and informing the community about all things lifestyle and real estate.”,”category”:”Real Estate”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”198327773511962″,”name”:”Real Estate”},{“id”:”1758418281071392″,”name”:”Local Service”},{“id”:”2500″,”name”:”Local Business”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1369019203140916″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/17021748_1369019203140916_3094584825215268294_n.jpg?oh=c00c975bb62f9918def452fab00e6caa&oe=59613998″,”id”:”1369019203140916″},”description”:”Since first starting at McGrath in 1999, Damian Steele has proven to be a dedicated and exceptionally driven agent. His genuine desire to deliver the best possible result and service experience is testament to his success. His loyalty to McGrath is evident with his commitment to his work. Damians personable nature, \u2018can do\u2019 approach and attention to detail are powerful attributes when dealing with a diverse range of clientele.\n\n’ I believe intensive follow up, market knowledge and open communication are the foundation of a successful sale.\u2019\n\nDamian feels at home in his marketplace and he enjoys the culture and beauty of the area. He is also an active contributor to the community, volunteering with charity groups such as The Starlight Foundation and Oz Harvest. Damian\n\nDamian Steele and his team, Conrad Panebianco and Sarah Kerr have the experience, track record and resources to make a clear difference to the sale price of your property whilst making the process transparent, enjoyable and results driven.\n”,”description_html”:”Since first starting at McGrath in 1999, Damian Steele has proven to be a dedicated and exceptionally driven agent. His genuine desire to deliver the best possible result and service experience is testament to his success. His loyalty to McGrath is evident with his commitment to his work. Damians personable nature, \u2018can do\u2019 approach and attention to detail are powerful attributes when dealing with a diverse range of clientele.\n\n’ I believe intensive follow up, market knowledge and open communication are the foundation of a successful sale.\u2019\n\nDamian feels at home in his marketplace and he enjoys the culture and beauty of the area. He is also an active contributor to the community, volunteering with charity groups such as The Starlight Foundation and Oz Harvest. Damian\n\nDamian Steele and his team, Conrad Panebianco and Sarah Kerr have the experience, track record and resources to make a clear difference to the sale price of your property whilst making the process transparent, enjoyable and results driven.\n”,”display_subtext”:”191 New South Head Road\u30fbEdgecliff, New South Wales, Australia”,”fan_count”:808,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”07:00″,”mon_1_close”:”19:00″,”tue_1_open”:”07:00″,”tue_1_close”:”19:00″,”wed_1_open”:”07:00″,”wed_1_close”:”19:00″,”thu_1_open”:”07:00″,”thu_1_close”:”19:00″,”fri_1_open”:”07:00″,”fri_1_close”:”19:00″,”sat_1_open”:”07:00″,”sat_1_close”:”19:00″},”overall_star_rating”:5}