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Holistic Dentists

{“id”:”120089491365330″,”name”:”Holistic Dentists”,”location”:{“city”:”New York”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:40.712839878167,”longitude”:-74.008749712204,”state”:”NY”,”street”:”17 Park Pl”,”zip”:”10007″},”emails”:[“reception@holistic-dentists.com”],”website”:”http:\/\/holistic-dentists.com”,”phone”:”(212) 732-2200″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Holistic.Dentists\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Greater New York Dental Meeting”,”id”:”335199043198879″},{“name”:”Nutritioness”,”id”:”1416827388568511″},{“name”:”GOTHAM LASIK VISION”,”id”:”142121829140736″},{“name”:”Battery Park City Block Party”,”id”:”148181721921555″},{“name”:”MyTime”,”id”:”147813178646730″},{“name”:”Organic Spa Magazine”,”id”:”93163776423″},{“name”:”NY Health and Wellness Fairs, Inc.”,”id”:”185363528141351″},{“name”:”Vierwaldst\u00e4ttersee \/ Lake Lucerne”,”id”:”80981799057″},{“name”:”Calm”,”id”:”328627523855071″},{“name”:”Natural Awakenings NYC”,”id”:”434285835248″},{“name”:”Emily Ireland Craniosacral Therapy”,”id”:”1442359346079260″},{“name”:”Manhattan Chamber of Commerce”,”id”:”29388901570″},{“name”:”Boston Smile Center”,”id”:”210131625693832″},{“name”:”SEA LIFE Grapevine Aquarium”,”id”:”123590527681613″},{“name”:”West Village Chorale”,”id”:”79698068531″},{“name”:”IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology”,”id”:”161188727912″},{“name”:”Fluoride Action Network”,”id”:”136687269687088″},{“name”:”No More Toxic Teeth (Consumers for Dental Choice)”,”id”:”106947548774″},{“name”:”Holistic Dental Association”,”id”:”174640219220685″},{“name”:”American Dental Association”,”id”:”32252997166″},{“name”:”American Student Dental Association”,”id”:”30196291464″},{“name”:”American Dental Hygienists’ Association”,”id”:”8201094394″},{“name”:”Young Dentists Worldwide”,”id”:”67748906034″},{“name”:”Whole Foods Market”,”id”:”24922591487″},{“name”:”TriBeCa”,”id”:”110385625710607″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”MzM1MTk5MDQzMTk4ODc5″,”after”:”MTEwMzg1NjI1NzEwNjA3″},”next”:”https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/v2.8\/120089491365330\/likes?access_token=EAAafPaYBRqsBAPOIOF2my747VdNLELjqltr8cfb6jC65iZCByGXz8hsCDNcar6fvVp4dsP2T3NZBS0rWlgWByNp6bfSJvQsgEJdZAMoQm3oILClnvueII1EhvJ1hcrpJFLHtm43p9g89Ds9Nw73YHatqhMfe7tmukKcfKt4nehjkmR4VctA&limit=25&after=MTEwMzg1NjI1NzEwNjA3″}},”single_line_address”:”17 Park Pl, New York, New York 10007″,”about”:”The goal of holistic dentistry is to provide thorough care, using biocompatible dental materials and minimally invasive procedures.”,”category”:”Local Business”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1316040461770221″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:76,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/l\/t1.0-9\/14034814_1316040461770221_2086576699577597938_n.jpg?oh=ad4f3162b5c723f0f5ac29b60fbb5358&oe=593152F4″,”id”:”1316040461770221″},”description”:”A holistic dentist is often referred to as an integrative dentist, organic dentist, or green dentist. All of these variations are examples of the considerations holistic dentists incorporate into their practices. For instance, Dr. Gross is known for his BPA-free fillings. BPA is a chemical found in many plastics, and it has negative environmental and health impacts. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Gross seeks to improve his patients\u2019 quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body.\n\nOur Tribeca dentist office emphasizes a family-oriented environment that focuses on patient comfort. We believe in treating our patients with dignity, respect, and personal attention. Our team of professionals wants to establish a relationship with every patient we treat. Our goal is to work as a team to address your oral health and total well-being.\n\nWe stay on the forefront of dental science and are dedicated to using state-of-the-art technology. One example is digital radiography, which exposes patients to about 90% less radiation than traditional radiography. In addition, we use mercury-free and BPA-free fillings, intra-oral cameras, gentle laser dentistry, and offer alternatives to root canals. Our dental staff specializes in orthodontics, Invisalign, oral surgery, periodontics, dental pediatrics and pediatric dentistry.\n\nWe accept most major insurances and Care Credit financing. We accept emergency dental appointments 24 hours a day and guarantee emergency patients no waiting. Our location is convenient to public transportation depots and fully accessible by wheelchair.”,”description_html”:”A holistic dentist is often referred to as an integrative dentist, organic dentist, or green dentist. All of these variations are examples of the considerations holistic dentists incorporate into their practices. For instance, Dr. Gross is known for his BPA-free fillings. BPA is a chemical found in many plastics, and it has negative environmental and health impacts. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Gross seeks to improve his patients\u2019 quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body.\n\nOur Tribeca dentist office emphasizes a family-oriented environment that focuses on patient comfort. We believe in treating our patients with dignity, respect, and personal attention. Our team of professionals wants to establish a relationship with every patient we treat. Our goal is to work as a team to address your oral health and total well-being.\n\nWe stay on the forefront of dental science and are dedicated to using state-of-the-art technology. One example is digital radiography, which exposes patients to about 90% less radiation than traditional radiography. In addition, we use mercury-free and BPA-free fillings, intra-oral cameras, gentle laser dentistry, and offer alternatives to root canals. Our dental staff specializes in orthodontics, Invisalign, oral surgery, periodontics, dental pediatrics and pediatric dentistry.\n\nWe accept most major insurances and Care Credit financing. We accept emergency dental appointments 24 hours a day and guarantee emergency patients no waiting. Our location is convenient to public transportation depots and fully accessible by wheelchair.”,”display_subtext”:”17 Park Pl\u30fbNew York, New York\u30fb109 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:10383,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”08:00″,”mon_1_close”:”19:00″,”tue_1_open”:”08:00″,”tue_1_close”:”19:00″,”wed_1_open”:”08:00″,”wed_1_close”:”19:00″,”thu_1_open”:”08:00″,”thu_1_close”:”19:00″,”fri_1_open”:”08:00″,”fri_1_close”:”19:00″,”sat_1_open”:”09:00″,”sat_1_close”:”16:00″},”overall_star_rating”:3.9}

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