Larry Haight’s Residential Roofing Company Roof Repair Services Contractors

{“id”:”126006397455388″,”name”:”Larry Haight’s Residential Roofing Company Roof Repair Services Contractors”,”location”:{“city”:”Redmond”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:47.68553,”longitude”:-122.13738,”state”:”WA”,”street”:”15203 NE 95th St”,”zip”:”98052″},”emails”:[“”],”website”:””,”phone”:”(425) 881-9771″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/LarryHaightsRoofing\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Eastside Staple & Nail”,”id”:”418933584800165″},{“name”:”Benjamin Watson”,”id”:”378220362305101″},{“name”:”Sahalee Country Club”,”id”:”105516746147879″},{“name”:”Sahalee Country Club”,”id”:”531836550178583″},{“name”:”Timberline Highlands Neighborhood”,”id”:”198392920272263″},{“name”:”Timberline Ridge Neighborhood”,”id”:”330511857010641″},{“name”:”Marcus Luttrell”,”id”:”63643878405″},{“name”:”Eastside Hauling & Container Services”,”id”:”793646460653026″},{“name”:”Lake Washington Baseball Boosters”,”id”:”163856036991329″},{“name”:”Washington State University”,”id”:”133018306730783″},{“name”:”Seattle City Light”,”id”:”140646799318965″},{“name”:”West Seattle Natural Energy :: Custom Solar PV & Wind Energy Systems”,”id”:”126525927383921″},{“name”:”North End Metro”,”id”:”247877438580489″},{“name”:”Tanna By Design”,”id”:”110219265713988″},{“name”:”Western States Roofing Contractors Association”,”id”:”115886828459126″},{“name”:”Approach Management Services”,”id”:”175423872515879″},{“name”:”Dave Ramsey”,”id”:”30592180885″},{“name”:”OneRedmond”,”id”:”144293471079″},{“name”:”Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington”,”id”:”193954191692″},{“name”:”ABC Supply Racing”,”id”:”203653669645230″},{“name”:”KING 5″,”id”:”6276351475″},{“name”:”Beta Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Chi Alumni”,”id”:”114760688675″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”NDE4OTMzNTg0ODAwMTY1″,”after”:”MTE0NzYwNjg4Njc1″}}},”single_line_address”:”15203 NE 95th St, Redmond, Washington 98052″,”about”:”We are a locally owned family business specializing in Roof Replacement, Attic Insulation, Gutters, Skylights, Roof Repairs and Carpentry. Call us today for a FREE estimate!”,”category”:”Local Business”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”206284062724685″,”name”:”Roofer”},{“id”:”124816677590074″,”name”:”Contractor”}],”company_overview”:”Larry’s Story\nBeginning my business was a true leap of faith. I had a daughter starting college and a son in high school. Finances were tight, but I knew this was what I should be doing. I grew up in a roofing family, took a break to learn how businesses operate, then began my own at the age of forty-three. Scared, yes. Determined, yes. Stubborn to succeed, even more so!\n\nBack then contractors weren\u2019t the most upstanding individuals. I recognized a need for a reputable roofing contractor in the Puget Sound area. So began my journey.\n \nLiterally, I was a one man show\u2014truly, one man, one ladder, and one truck. The details of how the job was going to actually be played out never bothered me. I knew that if I didn\u2019t do what I said I was going to do, I would be seen like the other failed contractors\u2026full of empty promises. That is not how I wanted my company to be viewed, simply because that is not how I run my personal affairs.\n\nI started my shop in an \u201cA\u201d frame cabin that sat along 1-90 in Issaquah. Now, in its place sits a Chevrolet dealership. My long-time friend designed my sign that stood in front of my first office (that very logo still exists). I had it all in place and was ready to go. \n\nYep, everything was in place\u2026but I needed to get that phone ringing. I remember staring at the phone, willing it to ring; knowing full well that someone would call. But having the expectation that it should ring more! I had a lot of time to think about how to execute myself in the beginning. How did I want my customers to view my service while considering prospective clients, as well. Even today, I feel the same way as I did back then, I want customers to think of my company as my friends see me\u2014hard working, honest, and reliable. Not much has changed.\n\nBeginning a business is tough. My stories are endless. From being called at 11PM one evening to pick up 5 nails in someone\u2019s grass from the tear off that day to receiving my first plate of cookies from a young family who was pleased with what my company did for them.\n\nIt\u2019s about treating people fairly\u2014you know the golden rule: Do unto others as they would do unto you. I taught my children that and I treat my employees that way. And every customer who walks though my door.\n\nI love what I do because I do what I love. To me, there isn\u2019t anything better than looking at a job well done\u2026and I get to do that regularly.\n”,”cover”:{“cover_id”:”441839092538782″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:50,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-0\/p180x540\/29347_441839092538782_596878422_n.jpg?oh=0c2100061ab5eb23806fe9907e67613c&oe=596DF0C0″,”id”:”441839092538782″},”description”:”Product and Service\nOver the years, we have researched and found products we trust and can offer with confidence to our homeowners. We specialize in many residential roofing products. We have experienced crews for roofing, gutter and skylight installation, and roof repairs. We offer a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty on all re-roof and gutter installations.\n\nLarry Haight ‘s gives FREE Roofing Estimates. \nEstimates are supplied for roofs, gutters, skylights or a roofing tune-up. \nCall us TODAY!\n\nRedmond (425) 881-9771\nBellevue (425) 454-6550\nIssaquah (425) 392-5002\n”,”description_html”:”Product and Service\nOver the years, we have researched and found products we trust and can offer with confidence to our homeowners. We specialize in many residential roofing products. We have experienced crews for roofing, gutter and skylight installation, and roof repairs. We offer a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty on all re-roof and gutter installations.\n\nLarry Haight ‘s gives FREE Roofing Estimates. \nEstimates are supplied for roofs, gutters, skylights or a roofing tune-up. \nCall us TODAY!\n\nRedmond (425) 881-9771\nBellevue (425) 454-6550\nIssaquah (425) 392-5002\n”,”display_subtext”:”15203 NE 95th St\u30fbRedmond, Washington\u30fb19 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:861,”founded”:”Roofing the Puget Sound since 1985. Roofing has been a part of our family since 1919, when Larry’s father began his company. “,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”08:00″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”08:00″,”tue_1_close”:”17:00″,”wed_1_open”:”08:00″,”wed_1_close”:”17:00″,”thu_1_open”:”08:00″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″,”fri_1_open”:”08:00″,”fri_1_close”:”17:00″},”mission”:”Maintain a high level of professionalism, integrity, honesty, and fairness in our relationships with our customers, employees and suppliers; to ensure the future growth of our company through repeat and referral busness achieved by customer satisfaction in all areas”,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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