Gilles Street Market

{“id”:”131757809245″,”name”:”Gilles Street Market”,”location”:{“city”:”Adelaide”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-34.934365457818,”longitude”:138.60424293342,”state”:”SA”,”street”:”91 Gilles Street Adelaide SA”,”zip”:”5000″},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/\/”,”link”:”https:\/\/\/GillesStreetMarket\/”,”single_line_address”:”91 Gilles Street Adelaide SA, Adelaide, South Australia 5000″,”about”:”NEXT MARKETS:\nNOV 20TH\nDEC 4TH THE GRAND BAZAAR\nDEC 18TH XMAS MARKET”,”category”:”Market”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”162813670434541″,”name”:”Market”}],”company_overview”:”GILLES STREET MARKET\nADELAIDE’S PREMIER FASHION & DESIGN MARKET\n\nThe Gilles Street Market is held on 1st and 3rd Sunday of every Month over Spring Summer in the heart of Adelaide, 91 Gilles Street. Gilles Street Primary School.\n\nThere are 90 stalls of Vintage, Retail Clearance, Designer Samples, New Designers all selling their wares. The market includes DJ’s, many food stalls and and promises a market friendly atmosphere similiar to that of the Paddington or Bondi Markets in Sydney. \n\nFor more information\n\n2014 DATES \n1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month (October – April)\n3rd Sunday of the Month (May to September)\nOct 19th\nNov 2nd\nDec 7th \nDec 21st\n\n10AM – 4PM\nHope to see you there!\n\nPARKING TIP!\nFor ease of parking, try South Terrace close to Pulteney Street and enter through REAR ENTRANCE of the GILLES STREET PRIMARY SCHOOL.”,”cover”:{“cover_id”:”10155114587019246″,”offset_x”:600,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/17191314_10155114587019246_6061247871516998616_n.jpg?oh=d0034f35378724e26f07290ce14818b5&oe=592EDB76″,”id”:”10155114587019246″},”description”:”The Gilles Street Market is held on 3rd Sunday of every Month in the heart of Adelaide, 91 Gilles Street. Gilles Street Primary School.”,”description_html”:”The Gilles Street Market is held on 3rd Sunday of every Month in the heart of Adelaide, 91 Gilles Street. Gilles Street Primary School.”,”display_subtext”:”91 Gilles Street Adelaide SA\u30fbAdelaide, South Australia\u30fb5,035 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:34555,”founded”:”16 March 2008″,”hours”:{“sun_1_open”:”10:00″,”sun_1_close”:”16:00″},”mission”:”To provide Adelaide with a targeted fashion and design market and to build and develop a platform for young designers to flourish.”,”overall_star_rating”:4.4}

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