Madison Square Dentistry

{“id”:”133299976687308″,”name”:”Madison Square Dentistry”,”location”:{“city”:”New York”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:40.7445793,”longitude”:-73.9885178,”state”:”NY”,”street”:”1158 Broadway, Fl 3rd”,”zip”:”10001″},”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”(212) 884-0420″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/MadisonSquareDentistry\/”,”single_line_address”:”1158 Broadway, Fl 3rd, New York, New York 10001″,”about”:”At Madison Square Dentistry, we are committed to personalized, patient-focused dental care in a high-tech environment. “,”category”:”Medical & Health”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”712676048749695″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/996531_712676048749695_706793711_n.jpg?oh=58737fd24fc9892316332be23b6c3ddc&oe=596AFB2A”,”id”:”712676048749695″},”description”:”We provide excellent, comprehensive dentistry from regular checkups and preventive measures to life changing smile makeovers and restorative procedures.\n\nOur new, conveniently located office on Broadway offers a refreshing blend of state-of-the-art technology and superb customer service so you can achieve the smile you deserve and enjoy the process, too. Our team will take great care of you and your smile. At Madison Square Dental, we accept most insurance plans and offer convenient payment plans that can help you finance your new smile.\n\nEven healthy, strong smiles need a little maintenance now and again, and we make it a priority to perform the most effective, least invasive treatment possible. Regular, conservative care not only saves you more extensive (and expensive!) dental work in the future it also keeps your visits to our office short, sweet and worry-free. \n\nYour dentist, Dr. Lawrence Wang, graduated from New York University\u2019s College of Dentistry. He completed a residency in general dentistry at a local hospital followed by a fellowship in implant dentistry.\n\nInquire about our Six Month Smile Program.”,”description_html”:”We provide excellent, comprehensive dentistry from regular checkups and preventive measures to life changing smile makeovers and restorative procedures.\n\nOur new, conveniently located office on Broadway offers a refreshing blend of state-of-the-art technology and superb customer service so you can achieve the smile you deserve and enjoy the process, too. Our team will take great care of you and your smile. At Madison Square Dental, we accept most insurance plans and offer convenient payment plans that can help you finance your new smile.\n\nEven healthy, strong smiles need a little maintenance now and again, and we make it a priority to perform the most effective, least invasive treatment possible. Regular, conservative care not only saves you more extensive (and expensive!) dental work in the future it also keeps your visits to our office short, sweet and worry-free. \n\nYour dentist, Dr. Lawrence Wang, graduated from New York University\u2019s College of Dentistry. He completed a residency in general dentistry at a local hospital followed by a fellowship in implant dentistry.\n\nInquire about our Six Month Smile Program.”,”display_subtext”:”1158 Broadway, Fl 3rd\u30fbNew York, New York\u30fb33 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:351,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”09:00″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”09:30″,”tue_1_close”:”16:30″,”wed_1_open”:”09:30″,”wed_1_close”:”17:30″,”thu_1_open”:”09:00″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″,”fri_1_open”:”09:00″,”fri_1_close”:”17:00″},”overall_star_rating”:4.7}

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Madison Square Dentistry

{“id”:”133299976687308″,”name”:”Madison Square Dentistry”,”location”:{“city”:”New York”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:40.7445793,”longitude”:-73.9885178,”state”:”NY”,”street”:”1158 Broadway, Fl 3rd”,”zip”:”10001″},”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”(212) 884-0420″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/MadisonSquareDentistry\/”,”single_line_address”:”1158 Broadway, Fl 3rd, New York, New York 10001″,”about”:”At Madison Square Dentistry, we are committed to personalized, patient-focused dental care in a high-tech environment. “,”category”:”Medical & Health”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”712676048749695″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/996531_712676048749695_706793711_n.jpg?oh=58737fd24fc9892316332be23b6c3ddc&oe=596AFB2A”,”id”:”712676048749695″},”description”:”We provide excellent, comprehensive dentistry from regular checkups and preventive measures to life changing smile makeovers and restorative procedures.\n\nOur new, conveniently located office on Broadway offers a refreshing blend of state-of-the-art technology and superb customer service so you can achieve the smile you deserve and enjoy the process, too. Our team will take great care of you and your smile. At Madison Square Dental, we accept most insurance plans and offer convenient payment plans that can help you finance your new smile.\n\nEven healthy, strong smiles need a little maintenance now and again, and we make it a priority to perform the most effective, least invasive treatment possible. Regular, conservative care not only saves you more extensive (and expensive!) dental work in the future it also keeps your visits to our office short, sweet and worry-free. \n\nYour dentist, Dr. Lawrence Wang, graduated from New York University\u2019s College of Dentistry. He completed a residency in general dentistry at a local hospital followed by a fellowship in implant dentistry.\n\nInquire about our Six Month Smile Program.”,”description_html”:”We provide excellent, comprehensive dentistry from regular checkups and preventive measures to life changing smile makeovers and restorative procedures.\n\nOur new, conveniently located office on Broadway offers a refreshing blend of state-of-the-art technology and superb customer service so you can achieve the smile you deserve and enjoy the process, too. Our team will take great care of you and your smile. At Madison Square Dental, we accept most insurance plans and offer convenient payment plans that can help you finance your new smile.\n\nEven healthy, strong smiles need a little maintenance now and again, and we make it a priority to perform the most effective, least invasive treatment possible. Regular, conservative care not only saves you more extensive (and expensive!) dental work in the future it also keeps your visits to our office short, sweet and worry-free. \n\nYour dentist, Dr. Lawrence Wang, graduated from New York University\u2019s College of Dentistry. He completed a residency in general dentistry at a local hospital followed by a fellowship in implant dentistry.\n\nInquire about our Six Month Smile Program.”,”display_subtext”:”1158 Broadway, Fl 3rd\u30fbNew York, New York\u30fb33 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:351,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”09:00″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”09:30″,”tue_1_close”:”16:30″,”wed_1_open”:”09:30″,”wed_1_close”:”17:30″,”thu_1_open”:”09:00″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″,”fri_1_open”:”09:00″,”fri_1_close”:”17:00″},”overall_star_rating”:4.7}

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