Marketing Dentistry

{“id”:”1401887640062808″,”name”:”Marketing Dentistry”,”location”:{“latitude”:-37.82442304,”longitude”:144.95168162},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”1800375227″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/marketingdentistry\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Horizon Dental Group”,”id”:”270543386383611″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”MjcwNTQzMzg2MzgzNjEx”,”after”:”MjcwNTQzMzg2MzgzNjEx”}}},”about”:”Official page for Marketing Dentistry 2015, organised by Integrated Dental Marketing”,”category”:”Event Planner”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”192119584190796″,”name”:”Event”},{“id”:”170992992946914″,”name”:”Marketing Consultant”},{“id”:”193705277324704″,”name”:”Event Planner”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1703631766555059″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:49,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/13340278_1703631766555059_8653756493957500807_o.jpg?oh=d51b3d9b49f57dc2290e9006c0a584d5&oe=592AD3DC”,”id”:”1703631766555059″},”description”:”At Marketing Dentistry 2015 – we will give you access to some of the greatest business minds in the dental profession globally!\n\nMarketing Dentistry 2015 will be an intensive 1 day course packed with real business and marketing strategies presented by highly successful dentists, alongside two very renowned and experienced practice management and communication experts.\n\nThrough the day, dentists will hear from 2011 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and returning speaker, Dr David Penn, with an all new content based on his ground-breaking work at the Penn College called \u201cThe Ten Faces of Innovation\u201d. And for our keynote speaker from the United States, we have one of the world\u2019s most forward-thinking and cutting-edge dentists \u2013 Dr Howard Farran with his renowned program One-Day Dental MBA.\n\nRunning alongside the clinically based presentations will be the practice managers\u2019 program delivered by two renowned speakers and trainers from the industry itself, Sandy Roth and Tracy Penn. Hailing from America, Sandy Roth has been an integral key figure within the dental profession for over 29 years and a huge favourite at last year\u2019s event, Tracy Penn returns this year with new material that will prove extremely insightful to your practice.\n\nThis year, Marketing Dentistry 2015\u2019s program is entirely modular \u2013 so you and your team have the choice of which lectures and workshops you want to attend.”,”description_html”:”At Marketing Dentistry 2015 – we will give you access to some of the greatest business minds in the dental profession globally!\n\nMarketing Dentistry 2015 will be an intensive 1 day course packed with real business and marketing strategies presented by highly successful dentists, alongside two very renowned and experienced practice management and communication experts.\n\nThrough the day, dentists will hear from 2011 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and returning speaker, Dr David Penn, with an all new content based on his ground-breaking work at the Penn College called \u201cThe Ten Faces of Innovation\u201d. And for our keynote speaker from the United States, we have one of the world\u2019s most forward-thinking and cutting-edge dentists \u2013 Dr Howard Farran with his renowned program One-Day Dental MBA.\n\nRunning alongside the clinically based presentations will be the practice managers\u2019 program delivered by two renowned speakers and trainers from the industry itself, Sandy Roth and Tracy Penn. Hailing from America, Sandy Roth has been an integral key figure within the dental profession for over 29 years and a huge favourite at last year\u2019s event, Tracy Penn returns this year with new material that will prove extremely insightful to your practice.\n\nThis year, Marketing Dentistry 2015\u2019s program is entirely modular \u2013 so you and your team have the choice of which lectures and workshops you want to attend.”,”display_subtext”:”5 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:512,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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