Virtual Assistant

{“id”:”1403506769978941″,”name”:”Virtual Assistant”,”location”:{“latitude”:52.4701004,”longitude”:-1.86575},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”Skype: virtual.assistantkf”,”link”:”https:\/\/\/virtualassistantkf\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Alternative medicine”,”id”:”112975622051432″},{“name”:”Complementary Therapies Guide”,”id”:”223469501491″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”MTEyOTc1NjIyMDUxNDMy”,”after”:”MjIzNDY5NTAxNDkx”}}},”about”:”Welcome to Virtual Assistant services to offer individuals and small businesses a convenient and fully flexible business support service.”,”category”:”Professional Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”134312329967620″,”name”:”Secretarial Service”},{“id”:”2500″,”name”:”Local Business”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1403513929978225″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/10403564_1403513929978225_8100783547191475523_n.png?oh=0cd511a231d69c784720318ad60adb43&oe=59378272″,”id”:”1403513929978225″},”description”:”The main benefits of using a Virtual Assistant is that there are no additional overheads. As a Virtual Assistant, we work independently from our own premises, ensuring you will only be paying for the actual time that you use our services. You will not be paying for someone’s time when there is nothing to do, or for someone who is late to work or on a coffee break, or for someone who is on holiday or off sick. There are no additional overheads such as PAYE, National Insurance or agency fees. You don’t have to provide office space or spend precious capital on additional computers or phone lines, or in training up new staff.\n\nAnother key benefit of a Virtual Assistant is that we are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is ideal for those emergency jobs when your secretary may have already left for the day and you urgently need work completed before the next day. Or perhaps you just need occasional cover for employees who are on holiday or off sick. Whatever your business need, we are here to help you.\n\nUsing our services will give you the time to focus on your core business activities rather than on time-consuming administrative tasks, whilst having the assurance of a professional and flexible service available to you at all times.\n\nAll assignments can be delivered and returned by email, post, courier or by hand (locally), to suit you. It doesn’t matter where you are located, the advantage of using a Virtual Assistant means we can assist you wherever you are.\n\nWe can provide the following services:-\n\n- PA & Administration Services\n- Word Processing\n- Project Management\n- Credit Control & Accounts Admin\n- Marketing Support\n- Mail Shots & Mail Merge Projects\n- Photocopy, Scanning, Laminating & Archiving Services \n- Lifestyle Management Services\n \nand more. We can tailor our services to your needs.”,”description_html”:”The main benefits of using a Virtual Assistant is that there are no additional overheads. As a Virtual Assistant, we work independently from our own premises, ensuring you will only be paying for the actual time that you use our services. You will not be paying for someone’s time when there is nothing to do, or for someone who is late to work or on a coffee break, or for someone who is on holiday or off sick. There are no additional overheads such as PAYE, National Insurance or agency fees. You don’t have to provide office space or spend precious capital on additional computers or phone lines, or in training up new staff.\n\nAnother key benefit of a Virtual Assistant is that we are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This is ideal for those emergency jobs when your secretary may have already left for the day and you urgently need work completed before the next day. Or perhaps you just need occasional cover for employees who are on holiday or off sick. Whatever your business need, we are here to help you.\n\nUsing our services will give you the time to focus on your core business activities rather than on time-consuming administrative tasks, whilst having the assurance of a professional and flexible service available to you at all times.\n\nAll assignments can be delivered and returned by email, post, courier or by hand (locally), to suit you. It doesn’t matter where you are located, the advantage of using a Virtual Assistant means we can assist you wherever you are.\n\nWe can provide the following services:-\n\n- PA & Administration Services\n- Word Processing\n- Project Management\n- Credit Control & Accounts Admin\n- Marketing Support\n- Mail Shots & Mail Merge Projects\n- Photocopy, Scanning, Laminating & Archiving Services \n- Lifestyle Management Services\n \nand more. We can tailor our services to your needs.”,”fan_count”:164,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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