Dr. Leona Kotlyar, DDS Brooklyn Pediatric Dentistry

{“id”:”141667202664951″,”name”:”Dr. Leona Kotlyar, DDS Brooklyn Pediatric Dentistry”,”location”:{“city”:”Brooklyn”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:40.5878937,”longitude”:-73.9536877,”state”:”NY”,”street”:”1512 Avenue Z”,”zip”:”11235″},”emails”:[“drleonakotlyar@gmail.com”],”website”:”http:\/\/www.BrooklynKidsDentistry.com”,”phone”:”(718) 395-2700″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/LeonaKotlyarDDS\/”,”single_line_address”:”1512 Avenue Z, Brooklyn, New York 11235″,”about”:”Dr. Leona Kotlyar provides dental visits that are full of fun, excitement and dental education. Everyone always leaves with a smile ! “,”category”:”Medical & Health”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”616409481857385″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:62,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t1.0-0\/p180x540\/13599847_616409481857385_570677157546752288_n.jpg?oh=6ed217cf5c684c5e5f68e312aba33958&oe=59640BF4″,”id”:”616409481857385″},”description”:”Dr. Leona Kotlyar received her dental degree at University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and her Specialty in Pediatric Dentistry from Staten Island University Hospital. During her last year of residency, she was chosen to be the Chief pediatric resident and was awarded the prestigious Arthur B. Puglisi Award for clinical excellence. Dr. Kotlyar is a board certified pediatric dentist that holds an active Attending and teaching position at Staten Island University Hospital Department of Dentistry and maintains operating room privileges as well. \n\nShe is a diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, as well as an active member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the New York State Dental Society and the Richmond County Dental Society.”,”description_html”:”Dr. Leona Kotlyar received her dental degree at University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and her Specialty in Pediatric Dentistry from Staten Island University Hospital. During her last year of residency, she was chosen to be the Chief pediatric resident and was awarded the prestigious Arthur B. Puglisi Award for clinical excellence. Dr. Kotlyar is a board certified pediatric dentist that holds an active Attending and teaching position at Staten Island University Hospital Department of Dentistry and maintains operating room privileges as well. \n\nShe is a diplomat of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, as well as an active member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the New York State Dental Society and the Richmond County Dental Society.”,”display_subtext”:”1512 Avenue Z\u30fbBrooklyn, New York\u30fb183 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:2032,”hours”:{“tue_1_open”:”09:00″,”tue_1_close”:”19:00″,”thu_1_open”:”09:00″,”thu_1_close”:”19:00″,”fri_1_open”:”09:00″,”fri_1_close”:”18:00″,”sat_1_open”:”09:00″,”sat_1_close”:”16:00″},”overall_star_rating”:5}

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