Tandoori food corner

{“id”:”1423076571273446″,”name”:”Tandoori food corner”,”location”:{“city”:”Lower Hutt”,”country”:”New Zealand”,”latitude”:-41.2046438,”longitude”:174.9120271,”street”:”5 Melling Road”,”zip”:”5010″},”website”:”http:\/\/gmail.com”,”phone”:”045667619″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/mohid2009\/”,”single_line_address”:”5 Melling Road, Lower Hutt, New Zealand 5010″,”about”:”Start your day with the fragrance of food. “,”category”:”Indian Restaurant”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”129539913784760″,”name”:”Indian Restaurant”},{“id”:”193694197335994″,”name”:”Halal Restaurant”}],”description”:”Tandoori food corner has a speciality of different types of food such as Indian, fiji and chinese. Indian sweets and cakes are also available for all occassions like birthday parties, marriages etc. Food corner also do catering for parties and functions.”,”description_html”:”Tandoori food corner has a speciality of different types of food such as Indian, fiji and chinese. Indian sweets and cakes are also available for all occassions like birthday parties, marriages etc. Food corner also do catering for parties and functions.”,”display_subtext”:”5 Melling Road\u30fbLower Hutt, New Zealand\u30fb64 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:796,”overall_star_rating”:4.9}

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