Puglia Social Club

{“id”:”1426622977572979″,”name”:”Puglia Social Club”,”location”:{“city”:”Coburg”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-37.74506,”longitude”:144.9679899,”state”:”VIC”,”street”:”520 Rd Sydney”,”zip”:”3058″},”emails”:[“rpetruzzelli@optusnet.com.au”],”phone”:”(03) 9354 9511″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/pugliasocialclub\/”,”single_line_address”:”520 Rd Sydney, Coburg, Victoria, Australia 3058″,”about”:”Panzerotti & more Fri nights in Coburg.\nMonthly dinner dances on Sat nights at Reggio Calabria Club.\nCorrespondence :\n 7 Janice Crt ,Fawkner 3060, \n”,”category”:”Local Business”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”215343825145859″,”name”:”Social Club”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1793227710912502″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:54,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/13995519_1793227710912502_4159686797093833554_o.jpg?oh=e59dbb489d8a9a4b8cbbec6baea09e21&oe=596F2F7C”,”id”:”1793227710912502″},”description”:”Puglia social club was founded in 1981, and the first president was Vito Petruzzelli. The current managing committees are President Rosa Petruzzelli of Puglia Social Club, President Enzo Palma of Circolo Pensionati Pugliesi. The committee believes in offering to its members services of a five star quality, for example, monthly social functions and also twice bi-weekly social activities. We offer monthly dinner dances with well-known live bands, floor shows, food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. With the New Year approaching, the Puglia Club has a vision to embrace the younger generation.”,”description_html”:”Puglia social club was founded in 1981, and the first president was Vito Petruzzelli. The current managing committees are President Rosa Petruzzelli of Puglia Social Club, President Enzo Palma of Circolo Pensionati Pugliesi. The committee believes in offering to its members services of a five star quality, for example, monthly social functions and also twice bi-weekly social activities. We offer monthly dinner dances with well-known live bands, floor shows, food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. With the New Year approaching, the Puglia Club has a vision to embrace the younger generation.”,”display_subtext”:”520 Rd Sydney\u30fbCoburg, Victoria, Australia\u30fb15 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:114,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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