Australian Central Association of Dentists – ACAD

{“id”:”144284135763391″,”name”:”Australian Central Association of Dentists – ACAD”,”location”:{“city”:”Thredbo Village”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-37.8333,”longitude”:145.033,”state”:”NSW”},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/\/”,”link”:”https:\/\/\/Australian-Central-Association-of-Dentists-ACAD-144284135763391\/”,”single_line_address”:”Thredbo Village, New South Wales, Australia”,”about”:”For almost 40 years ACAD has been conducting well respected National and International Conferences in the ski fields of Australia, New Zealand, United States and Japan.\n”,”category”:”Education”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”},{“id”:”2250″,”name”:”Education”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”144285305763274″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:52,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/942033_144285305763274_1505607215_n.jpg?oh=82184b532dd1e26a16ffadfa2fcbc276&oe=59331114″,”id”:”144285305763274″},”description”:”It is our aim to always have a well-rounded general scientific program. ACAD has been privileged during its time to have respected high profile members of the Australian Dental Association as lecturers.\n\nACAD is currently preparing programs for a number of Conferences so this home page will provide you with links (when available) to the various Conferences. This will enable you to plan ahead and diary the dates.”,”description_html”:”It is our aim to always have a well-rounded general scientific program. ACAD has been privileged during its time to have respected high profile members of the Australian Dental Association as lecturers.\n\nACAD is currently preparing programs for a number of Conferences so this home page will provide you with links (when available) to the various Conferences. This will enable you to plan ahead and diary the dates.”,”display_subtext”:”Thredbo Village, New South Wales, Australia”,”fan_count”:153,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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