ChelyrSimone – Innovative Virtual Assistance

{“id”:”1629921100624295″,”name”:”ChelyrSimone – Innovative Virtual Assistance”,”location”:{“city”:”Birmingham”,”country”:”United Kingdom”,”latitude”:52.47868,”longitude”:-1.90848},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”link”:”https:\/\/\/chelyrsimoneiva\/”,”single_line_address”:”Birmingham, United Kingdom”,”about”:”I’m here to help you unlock the keys to reach the purpose you’ve been longing for in your business.”,”bio”:”I’m Chelyr-Simone, also known as Shelley and Shells. I help bosses around the globe reach new heights in their businesses.\n\nI launched my Virtual Assistance business two years ago after realising that the corporate world wasn’t for me, I had a lot of skills and wanted to use them to the best of my ability on my own terms. My friends and family thought I was a little too ambitious but I’ve always kept positive vibes and an optimistic mind.\n\nSince then I’ve managed to work for people across the globe (I’m talking USA, to Australia, to South Africa, Jamaica and my home country, the UK) and made some life changing connections that I could have only dreamed of before.\n\nNot only that but I’ve had to re-brand and change my tagline from ‘Creative Virtual Assistant’ to ‘Innovative Virtual Assistance’, because it’s not just me anymore, I have a cracking team who work alongside me who all specialise in certain industries and key services I offer.\n\nI’m able to help a lot of amazing bosses let go of their burdens so they can focus on the good stuff, the fun stuff and the stuff they came into business for, without the mundane, they can focus on being great!\n\nWhen I’m not running my businesses, I love to travel, eat some good food, go to church, blog, take pictures and stay active. Jesus is the forefront of my existence & I strive to make him known through my life. So if I’m able to minister & give people a glimpse of his love & truth through my endeavours, then that is all I can hope for. \n\nHave a great day!”,”category”:”Local Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”1758418281071392″,”name”:”Local Service”},{“id”:”1061943827220930″,”name”:”Personal Assistant”},{“id”:”179672275401610″,”name”:”Business Consultant”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1790740051209065″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:46,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/14976421_1790740051209065_3415588126386704628_o.png?oh=bf9e955f618e86d088a8df29df776359&oe=5932AC31″,”id”:”1790740051209065″},”description”:”I’m Chelyr-Simone, also known as Shelley and Shells. I help bosses around the globe reach new heights in their businesses.\n\nI launched my Virtual Assistance business two years ago after realising that the corporate world wasn’t for me, I had a lot of skills and wanted to use them to the best of my ability on my own terms. My friends and family thought I was a little too ambitious but I’ve always kept positive vibes and an optimistic mind.\n\nSince then I’ve managed to work for people across the globe (I’m talking USA, to Australia, to South Africa, Jamaica and my home country, the UK) and made some life changing connections that I could have only dreamed of before.\n\nNot only that but I’ve had to re-brand and change my tagline from ‘Creative Virtual Assistant’ to ‘Innovative Virtual Assistance’, because it’s not just me anymore, I have a cracking team who work alongside me who all specialise in certain industries and key services I offer.\n\nI’m able to help a lot of amazing bosses let go of their burdens so they can focus on the good stuff, the fun stuff and the stuff they came into business for, without the mundane, they can focus on being great!\n\nWhen I’m not running my businesses, I love to travel, eat some good food, go to church, blog, take pictures and stay active. Jesus is the forefront of my existence & I strive to make him known through my life. So if I’m able to minister & give people a glimpse of his love & truth through my endeavours, then that is all I can hope for. \n\nHave a great day!”,”description_html”:”I’m Chelyr-Simone, also known as Shelley and Shells. I help bosses around the globe reach new heights in their businesses.\n\nI launched my Virtual Assistance business two years ago after realising that the corporate world wasn’t for me, I had a lot of skills and wanted to use them to the best of my ability on my own terms. My friends and family thought I was a little too ambitious but I’ve always kept positive vibes and an optimistic mind.\n\nSince then I’ve managed to work for people across the globe (I’m talking USA, to Australia, to South Africa, Jamaica and my home country, the UK) and made some life changing connections that I could have only dreamed of before.\n\nNot only that but I’ve had to re-brand and change my tagline from ‘Creative Virtual Assistant’ to ‘Innovative Virtual Assistance’, because it’s not just me anymore, I have a cracking team who work alongside me who all specialise in certain industries and key services I offer.\n\nI’m able to help a lot of amazing bosses let go of their burdens so they can focus on the good stuff, the fun stuff and the stuff they came into business for, without the mundane, they can focus on being great!\n\nWhen I’m not running my businesses, I love to travel, eat some good food, go to church, blog, take pictures and stay active. Jesus is the forefront of my existence & I strive to make him known through my life. So if I’m able to minister & give people a glimpse of his love & truth through my endeavours, then that is all I can hope for. \n\nHave a great day!”,”display_subtext”:”Birmingham, United Kingdom”,”fan_count”:118,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”09:00″,”mon_1_close”:”18:00″,”tue_1_open”:”09:00″,”tue_1_close”:”18:00″,”wed_1_open”:”09:00″,”wed_1_close”:”18:00″,”thu_1_open”:”09:00″,”thu_1_close”:”18:00″,”fri_1_open”:”09:00″,”fri_1_close”:”18:00″},”overall_star_rating”:5}

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