St Mary’s College Hobart Tasmania

{“id”:”169490649727861″,”name”:”St Mary’s College Hobart Tasmania”,”location”:{“city”:”Hobart”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-42.881957669059,”longitude”:147.31929071,”state”:”TAS”,”street”:”164 Harrington Street”,”zip”:”7000″},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”+61 3 6108 2560″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/St-Marys-College-Hobart-Tasmania-169490649727861\/”,”single_line_address”:”164 Harrington Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000″,”about”:”St Mary’s College, Hobart”,”category”:”School”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”2601″,”name”:”School”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1162444440432472″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:41,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/921403_1162444440432472_5362023135626462303_o.jpg?oh=e813ba6fc93338c88ac78e001e6ba7ef&oe=5963A924″,”id”:”1162444440432472″},”description”:”Overview\nSt Mary’s College has a long tradition of providing an excellent education for girls in a caring environment underpinned by Gospel values and sound Christian principles.\n \nThe College was founded in 1868 by the Presentation Sisters and is still governed by them today. Their founder, Nano Nagle, has bestowed on us a charism which emphasises social justice and which guides each student towards a balance between her life and all creation.\n \nWe offer a breadth of opportunities for our students, from leadership to sport and extra-curricular experiences. \n \nPlease contact the College if you need any further information or if you would like to come for a tour.\n\n\nValues and Beliefs\nAt St Mary’s College we commit ourselves to the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. We strive to provide a sound Catholic education for our students, to enable and empower them to take their places in society with pride and dignity. \n\nWe promote and develop the full potential and integrity of each individual in our community, respecting and celebrating individual differences. \n\nWe seek to continue the Presentation Charism of hearing the cry of those made poor, and then cry of the Earth, as exemplified in the life of Nano Nagle. \n\nWe provide strong role models who attempt to demonstrate leadership in applying Christian values to contemporary issues in education, care of the environment and social issues. \n\nWe welcome the participation of parents in the planning and development of their children’s education.”,”description_html”:”Overview\nSt Mary’s College has a long tradition of providing an excellent education for girls in a caring environment underpinned by Gospel values and sound Christian principles.\n \nThe College was founded in 1868 by the Presentation Sisters and is still governed by them today. Their founder, Nano Nagle, has bestowed on us a charism which emphasises social justice and which guides each student towards a balance between her life and all creation.\n \nWe offer a breadth of opportunities for our students, from leadership to sport and extra-curricular experiences. \n \nPlease contact the College if you need any further information or if you would like to come for a tour.\n\n\nValues and Beliefs\nAt St Mary’s College we commit ourselves to the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. We strive to provide a sound Catholic education for our students, to enable and empower them to take their places in society with pride and dignity. \n\nWe promote and develop the full potential and integrity of each individual in our community, respecting and celebrating individual differences. \n\nWe seek to continue the Presentation Charism of hearing the cry of those made poor, and then cry of the Earth, as exemplified in the life of Nano Nagle. \n\nWe provide strong role models who attempt to demonstrate leadership in applying Christian values to contemporary issues in education, care of the environment and social issues. \n\nWe welcome the participation of parents in the planning and development of their children’s education.”,”display_subtext”:”164 Harrington Street\u30fbHobart, Tasmania\u30fb178 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:1567,”founded”:”1868″,”mission”:”Operating within the Presentation charism, our vision is that St Mary’s College offers a dynamic environment in which young women are able to fulfil their spiritual, academic and personal potential. A downloadable copy of St Mary’s College Vision and Mission Statement is available at: http:\/\/\/download\/documents\/smcvision.pdf”,”overall_star_rating”:4.7}

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