MVM Video Marketing

{“id”:”1708056016131637″,”name”:”MVM Video Marketing”,”location”:{“city”:”Seaton”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-34.88983,”longitude”:138.51388,”state”:”SA”,”street”:”1 Clark Tce”,”zip”:”5023″},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/\/mvmvideomarketing”,”phone”:”0449622496″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/mvmvideomarketing\/”,”single_line_address”:”1 Clark Tce, Seaton, South Australia 5023″,”about”:”Do you feel like your business is in a rut? We help small business owners understand and use effective video marketing strategies to help boost your brand!”,”category”:”Local Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”1758418281071392″,”name”:”Local Service”},{“id”:”1751954525061797″,”name”:”Digital \/ Online Marketing Agency”},{“id”:”170992992946914″,”name”:”Marketing Consultant”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1777694372501134″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/15094344_1777694372501134_2180827056262020282_n.png?oh=ca09445e07775c235c7db8fe622ab2c3&oe=596ADB9E”,”id”:”1777694372501134″},”description”:”My name is Bethany Spencer, and I help small business owners understand and use effective video marketing strategies to help boost sales and customer engagement!\n\nI have been in the entertainment industry singing and acting for many years. I have been in several television commercials and have sung at events such as the Channel 9 Melbourne Cup Telethon. \n\nI Completed a Diploma of Counselling in 2011 through the Australian Institute of Professional Counselling, and had my own private practice before discovering that being stuck in an office all day was not for me. After spending a lot of time composing my own music electronically and creating entertaining videos for my social media pages, I found myself immersed in the world of video marketing and YouTube. Such was my passion for all things video, I decided to learn as much as I could about it and use it to help independent businesses boost sales at a fraction of the cost \u2013 and have fun doing it. \n\nI know first hand what it is like to have the stresses of running a business by yourself while also having a young family to look after. A single mother of three beautiful boys; Elijah, Lachlan and Ezra, I have tried every single trick in the book to create a successful business. My son Lachlan, who suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder, needs special care and attention and I like to be free enough to be able to give him the support he needs. Now, after a lot of lessons disguised as failures, I feel that Video Marketing is one of the most important tools you can use to see your sales soar and your email list explode. There is a lot of information out there and it can get very overwhelming. This is why I have put together a system that works – and one that anyone of any age or skill can replicate.\n\nI am all about results, and happier more relaxed Entrepreneurs!”,”description_html”:”My name is Bethany Spencer, and I help small business owners understand and use effective video marketing strategies to help boost sales and customer engagement!\n\nI have been in the entertainment industry singing and acting for many years. I have been in several television commercials and have sung at events such as the Channel 9 Melbourne Cup Telethon. \n\nI Completed a Diploma of Counselling in 2011 through the Australian Institute of Professional Counselling, and had my own private practice before discovering that being stuck in an office all day was not for me. After spending a lot of time composing my own music electronically and creating entertaining videos for my social media pages, I found myself immersed in the world of video marketing and YouTube. Such was my passion for all things video, I decided to learn as much as I could about it and use it to help independent businesses boost sales at a fraction of the cost \u2013 and have fun doing it. \n\nI know first hand what it is like to have the stresses of running a business by yourself while also having a young family to look after. A single mother of three beautiful boys; Elijah, Lachlan and Ezra, I have tried every single trick in the book to create a successful business. My son Lachlan, who suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder, needs special care and attention and I like to be free enough to be able to give him the support he needs. Now, after a lot of lessons disguised as failures, I feel that Video Marketing is one of the most important tools you can use to see your sales soar and your email list explode. There is a lot of information out there and it can get very overwhelming. This is why I have put together a system that works – and one that anyone of any age or skill can replicate.\n\nI am all about results, and happier more relaxed Entrepreneurs!”,”display_subtext”:”1 Clark Tce\u30fbSeaton, South Australia”,”fan_count”:137,”overall_star_rating”:5}

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