O’Kane & Monssen Family Dentistry

{“id”:”1760122457560099″,”name”:”O’Kane & Monssen Family Dentistry”,”location”:{“city”:”Saint Paul”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:44.9182,”longitude”:-93.19374,”state”:”MN”,”street”:”2221 Ford Parkway, Ste 201″,”zip”:”55116″},”emails”:[“smile@okanemonssen.com”],”website”:”http:\/\/okanemonssen.com”,”phone”:”(651) 698-1242″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/OKane-Monssen-Family-Dentistry-1760122457560099\/”,”single_line_address”:”2221 Ford Parkway, Ste 201, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116″,”about”:”Highland\u2019s trusted family dentist. Top Dentists for 10 years. Preventative, pediatric, cosmetic & restorative dentistry. Invisalign Preferred Provider.”,”category”:”Dentist”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1760136507558694″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/13662194_1760136507558694_4053021932991830975_o.jpg?oh=6f850090bded532e65b362e5e1ad21e4&oe=59333F9A”,”id”:”1760136507558694″},”description”:”Healthy, happy smiles improve the world. They welcome new friends. Put people at ease. Spread positivity. And make others smile back. It\u2019s our mission to help every individual not only feel better, but help others feel good around them. From our littlest toddlers to growing teens to adult patients, we\u2019ve been helping patients express healthy, happy smiles for 50 years. We consider the needs of each individual person, then apply experience and the latest technologies and procedures in preventative dentistry, pediatric dentistry, cosmetic and restorative dentistry to create dazzling, natural looking smiles. Our goal is to support you whenever you need us, even if it\u2019s 12:30 a.m. when a tooth gets knocked out. (Yes, and it happened on Thanksgiving Day!) That\u2019s why, in part, for 10 years running, we have been consistently named Top Dentists for excellence by Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine. Come see us. We\u2019d love to help put a healthy, happy smile on your face.\n”,”description_html”:”Healthy, happy smiles improve the world. They welcome new friends. Put people at ease. Spread positivity. And make others smile back. It\u2019s our mission to help every individual not only feel better, but help others feel good around them. From our littlest toddlers to growing teens to adult patients, we\u2019ve been helping patients express healthy, happy smiles for 50 years. We consider the needs of each individual person, then apply experience and the latest technologies and procedures in preventative dentistry, pediatric dentistry, cosmetic and restorative dentistry to create dazzling, natural looking smiles. Our goal is to support you whenever you need us, even if it\u2019s 12:30 a.m. when a tooth gets knocked out. (Yes, and it happened on Thanksgiving Day!) That\u2019s why, in part, for 10 years running, we have been consistently named Top Dentists for excellence by Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine. Come see us. We\u2019d love to help put a healthy, happy smile on your face.\n”,”display_subtext”:”2221 Ford Parkway, Ste 201\u30fbSaint Paul, Minnesota\u30fb5 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:170,”overall_star_rating”:5}

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