Dentistry By Design

{“id”:”1797912023821680″,”name”:”Dentistry By Design”,”location”:{“city”:”Balmain”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.85492,”longitude”:151.17878,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”45 Rowntree Street”,”zip”:”2041″},”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”02 981 05 507″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/dentistrybydesignbalmain\/”,”single_line_address”:”45 Rowntree Street, Balmain, New South Wales, Australia 2041″,”about”:”Welcome to Dentistry by Design. Centrally located in beautiful Balmain, we provide premium aesthetic and restorative care in our warm, welcoming practice.\n”,”category”:”Doctor”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”},{“id”:”188234584533149″,”name”:”Doctor”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1798766270402922″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:7,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/14372384_1798766270402922_7487290557420072650_o.png?oh=3cc6b26045f8a4f2bbd8f8ad68b78186&oe=5967A502″,”id”:”1798766270402922″},”description”:”Focused on providing high-quality service and patient care, Dentistry by Design provides premium dental services, including general, family, cosmetic and sedation dentistry.\n\nFrom its humble beginnings in the late nineties, Dentistry by Design has grown, evolved and diversified to become one of Sydney\u2019s leading dental practices, attracting and retaining loyal customers along the way.\n\nOur highly qualified, internationally renowned dental technicians provide impeccable services, using state-of-the-art technology, equipment and materials, while offering a warm and compassionate approach, particularly when caring for anxious patients.\n\nWe offer the full suite of dental services from routine check-ups, gum disease treatments and fillings, through to complex aesthetic and restorative procedures. These include crowns and bridges, veneers, implants, teeth whitening and Invisalign.\n\nWe also offer complementary cosmetic services, such as anti-wrinkle and lip enhancement injectables.\n”,”description_html”:”Focused on providing high-quality service and patient care, Dentistry by Design provides premium dental services, including general, family, cosmetic and sedation dentistry.\n\nFrom its humble beginnings in the late nineties, Dentistry by Design has grown, evolved and diversified to become one of Sydney\u2019s leading dental practices, attracting and retaining loyal customers along the way.\n\nOur highly qualified, internationally renowned dental technicians provide impeccable services, using state-of-the-art technology, equipment and materials, while offering a warm and compassionate approach, particularly when caring for anxious patients.\n\nWe offer the full suite of dental services from routine check-ups, gum disease treatments and fillings, through to complex aesthetic and restorative procedures. These include crowns and bridges, veneers, implants, teeth whitening and Invisalign.\n\nWe also offer complementary cosmetic services, such as anti-wrinkle and lip enhancement injectables.\n”,”display_subtext”:”45 Rowntree Street\u30fbBalmain, New South Wales, Australia\u30fb10 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:102,”overall_star_rating”:5}

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