Elisabeth Windsor Virtual Assistant and Business Solutions Consultant

{“id”:”1827926077443546″,”name”:”Elisabeth Windsor Virtual Assistant and Business Solutions Consultant”,”location”:{“city”:”Gloucester”,”country”:”United Kingdom”,”latitude”:51.8304733,”longitude”:-2.2853214,”street”:”21 Oatfield”,”zip”:”GL2 4″},”emails”:[“beth@ewva.co.uk”],”website”:”http:\/\/www.ewva.co.uk”,”phone”:”07983141838″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/EWindsorVA\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Pi Accountancy”,”id”:”1779454805623554″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”MTc3OTQ1NDgwNTYyMzU1NAZDZD”,”after”:”MTc3OTQ1NDgwNTYyMzU1NAZDZD”}}},”single_line_address”:”21 Oatfield, GL2 4 Gloucester, Gloucestershire”,”about”:”Struggling to find enough time in your working day? I am a VA and Business Solutions Consultant – your go-to partner for all your business needs! “,”category”:”Business Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”187133811318958″,”name”:”Business Service”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1827929440776543″,”offset_x”:280,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/14362634_1827929440776543_2590002774325701791_o.png?oh=e3e1ae0aacd0004da339c58f37e2311e&oe=59298D53″,”id”:”1827929440776543″},”description”:”I had a converstation with someone recently and they asked me quite bluntly:\n \n\u201dWHAT DOES A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT DO?\nI don\u2019t get what you do, I get the boring admin stuff but how can you write my marketing, emails, social media and speak to my customers, that\u2019s the bit I can\u2019t grasp? How can you be me? I am my business, surely.\u201d\n \nMy reply:\n \n\u201cI learn about you, I get to know you, and then I get to know your business and your customers. I have a Drama degree, I’m a graduate in learning characters, storylines, meaning…..I use that to understand you, the gut of a business, and to take it forward while ‘appearing’ to be you and speaking with the same belief, passion and tone.\n \nI\u2019m not just some ex PA churning out paperwork; yes, I\u2019ve had a corporate PA background but what makes me so radically different is my experience working for a man, who is paraplegic, for over 8 years. Taking dictation so frequently that I started to write like him, then writing for him, being trusted to respond to people for him. It\u2019s built me up to be something quite different to other VA\u2019s, a real addition to, not extension of, you and your business.\u201d\n \nThink about it, when you hang around with someone and get on with them, you pick up their mannerisms and language patterns – and that\u2019s how I see my business, a people business, with the emphasis on people. I become an asset to your business and make your life better in the process\u201d.\n \nIf you\u2019d like to talk about how I can relieve you of the \u2018things that should get done, but don\u2019t\u2019 or do and stop you doing everything else, then get in touch; it starts with a conversation.A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a flexible, professional and experienced consultant that businesses or charities can contract to work as a remote team member as and when they require, without the need for a full time member of staff or the financial and legal commitment of employment.\n\u200b\nBenefits of a VA\n\u200b\nNo staff costs (NI, PAYE, pension contributions, holiday or sickness)\nNo recruitment\/training costs\nAvailable outside of normal working hours\nNo IT equipment and maintenance costs\nNo desk space\nAvailable at short notice\n\nBelow is a list of tasks I can undertake for you, this is not an exhaustive list of my services, please ask if there is something else you would like me to help with.\n\u200b\u200b\nGeneral PA and admin duties \nProofreading and editing\nDiary Management\nEmail Management\nCorrespondence management\nClient relationship management\nTravel arrangements and itineraries\nEvent Management (including catering & venues)\nTranscription and copy typing \nOnline research\nEmail campaigns\nNewsletter, brochures and flyer design\nPresentations (writing\/presenting)\nFormat staff manuals\nData entry\nAssisting foreign businesses with their English presence\n\u200b\n \nI can work with you on a retained, hourly Pay As You Go (PAYG) or project basis. PAYG is charged in to the nearest 15 minute increment. I invoice bi-weekly in arrears and take deposits for large projects.\n\u200b\nTo discuss your individual requirements please contact me. “,”description_html”:”I had a converstation with someone recently and they asked me quite bluntly:\n \n\u201dWHAT DOES A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT DO?\nI don\u2019t get what you do, I get the boring admin stuff but how can you write my marketing, emails, social media and speak to my customers, that\u2019s the bit I can\u2019t grasp? How can you be me? I am my business, surely.\u201d\n \nMy reply:\n \n\u201cI learn about you, I get to know you, and then I get to know your business and your customers. I have a Drama degree, I’m a graduate in learning characters, storylines, meaning…..I use that to understand you, the gut of a business, and to take it forward while ‘appearing’ to be you and speaking with the same belief, passion and tone.\n \nI\u2019m not just some ex PA churning out paperwork; yes, I\u2019ve had a corporate PA background but what makes me so radically different is my experience working for a man, who is paraplegic, for over 8 years. Taking dictation so frequently that I started to write like him, then writing for him, being trusted to respond to people for him. It\u2019s built me up to be something quite different to other VA\u2019s, a real addition to, not extension of, you and your business.\u201d\n \nThink about it, when you hang around with someone and get on with them, you pick up their mannerisms and language patterns – and that\u2019s how I see my business, a people business, with the emphasis on people. I become an asset to your business and make your life better in the process\u201d.\n \nIf you\u2019d like to talk about how I can relieve you of the \u2018things that should get done, but don\u2019t\u2019 or do and stop you doing everything else, then get in touch; it starts with a conversation.A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a flexible, professional and experienced consultant that businesses or charities can contract to work as a remote team member as and when they require, without the need for a full time member of staff or the financial and legal commitment of employment.\n\u200b\nBenefits of a VA\n\u200b\nNo staff costs (NI, PAYE, pension contributions, holiday or sickness)\nNo recruitment\/training costs\nAvailable outside of normal working hours\nNo IT equipment and maintenance costs\nNo desk space\nAvailable at short notice\n\nBelow is a list of tasks I can undertake for you, this is not an exhaustive list of my services, please ask if there is something else you would like me to help with.\n\u200b\u200b\nGeneral PA and admin duties \nProofreading and editing\nDiary Management\nEmail Management\nCorrespondence management\nClient relationship management\nTravel arrangements and itineraries\nEvent Management (including catering & venues)\nTranscription and copy typing \nOnline research\nEmail campaigns\nNewsletter, brochures and flyer design\nPresentations (writing\/presenting)\nFormat staff manuals\nData entry\nAssisting foreign businesses with their English presence\n\u200b\n \nI can work with you on a retained, hourly Pay As You Go (PAYG) or project basis. PAYG is charged in to the nearest 15 minute increment. I invoice bi-weekly in arrears and take deposits for large projects.\n\u200b\nTo discuss your individual requirements please contact me. “,”display_subtext”:”21 Oatfield\u30fbGloucester, Gloucestershire”,”fan_count”:130,”overall_star_rating”:5}

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