{“id”:”185300938334258″,”name”:”James Koller Family Dentistry”,”location”:{“city”:”North Saint Paul”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:45.011719,”longitude”:-92.992531,”state”:”MN”,”street”:”2534 7th Ave E”,”zip”:”55109″},”emails”:[“jkfamilydental@aol.com”],”website”:”http:\/\/jkdentist.com”,”phone”:”(651) 777-6454″,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/James-Koller-Family-Dentistry-185300938334258\/”,”single_line_address”:”2534 7th Ave E, North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55109″,”about”:”Dentist”,”category”:”Medical & Health”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”562278117303203″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:61,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t1.0-0\/p180x540\/14572834_562278117303203_4240258452182888870_n.jpg?oh=2f321a0af4641e23361da9e088fdab0e&oe=59378B1D”,”id”:”562278117303203″},”description”:”We are located in historic downtown North St. Paul. We offer relaxed, comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Patients who come to our neighborhood office feel as though they have been well cared for by our experienced, skilled staff. The trust we have built with our patients over the years have kept them faithful to our practice. And, we are proud to say we are treating 3rd and 4th generations of families.\n\nDr. Koller and staff are sensitive to the concerns and fears of our patients. Our patients’ comfort is our number one priority. We are committed to making your dental visits comfortable, safe and positive. We talk, we listen, and we don’t lecture. Not only do we want our patients to have beautiful confident smiles, we will help make it affordable.\n\nOur office proudly offers services such as:\n\n-Cerec same day Crowns and Veneers\n-Tooth colored fillings\n-Root Canal Therapy (Endodontics)\n-Oral Surgery\n-Dentures and Partial Dentures\n-Clear Correct Orthodontic Aligners (no braces!)\n-Custom fit athletic mouth guards and night guards\n-Teeth Whitening\n-Digital X-Rays\n-Routine Dental Cleanings\n-Non Surgical Periodontal Treatment\n-Nitrous Oxide\n-Laser Cavity Detection\n\nYou can be assured that our procedures are the most up-to-date techniques available.”,”description_html”:”We are located in historic downtown North St. Paul. We offer relaxed, comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Patients who come to our neighborhood office feel as though they have been well cared for by our experienced, skilled staff. The trust we have built with our patients over the years have kept them faithful to our practice. And, we are proud to say we are treating 3rd and 4th generations of families.\n\nDr. Koller and staff are sensitive to the concerns and fears of our patients. Our patients’ comfort is our number one priority. We are committed to making your dental visits comfortable, safe and positive. We talk, we listen, and we don’t lecture. Not only do we want our patients to have beautiful confident smiles, we will help make it affordable.\n\nOur office proudly offers services such as:\n\n-Cerec same day Crowns and Veneers\n-Tooth colored fillings\n-Root Canal Therapy (Endodontics)\n-Oral Surgery\n-Dentures and Partial Dentures\n-Clear Correct Orthodontic Aligners (no braces!)\n-Custom fit athletic mouth guards and night guards\n-Teeth Whitening\n-Digital X-Rays\n-Routine Dental Cleanings\n-Non Surgical Periodontal Treatment\n-Nitrous Oxide\n-Laser Cavity Detection\n\nYou can be assured that our procedures are the most up-to-date techniques available.”,”display_subtext”:”2534 7th Ave E\u30fbNorth Saint Paul, Minnesota\u30fb12 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:8,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”08:00″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”08:00″,”tue_1_close”:”17:00″,”wed_1_open”:”08:00″,”wed_1_close”:”17:00″,”thu_1_open”:”08:00″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″},”overall_star_rating”:0}