Solent Project Solutions – Virtual Assistant

{“id”:”288072994900697″,”name”:”Solent Project Solutions – Virtual Assistant”,”location”:{“city”:”Southampton”,”country”:”United Kingdom”,”latitude”:50.902775723291,”longitude”:-1.3229513168335},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”07889199696″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/solentprojectsolutions\/”,”likes”:{“data”:[{“name”:”Snug Architects”,”id”:”270164419668203″}],”paging”:{“cursors”:{“before”:”MjcwMTY0NDE5NjY4MjAz”,”after”:”MjcwMTY0NDE5NjY4MjAz”}}},”single_line_address”:”Southampton”,”about”:”Solent Project Solutions is here to help your business with Virtual Document Control and Administration saving you time and money.”,”category”:”Professional Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”115725465228008″,”name”:”Region”},{“id”:”1758418281071392″,”name”:”Local Service”},{“id”:”2500″,”name”:”Local Business”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”292367614471235″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:47,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/14203278_292367614471235_845654663672657301_n.png?oh=1c99a7827db33ee685241d097cf60f4b&oe=5933C60D”,”id”:”292367614471235″},”description”:”Virtual document control\/Administration\n \nWe can help you by saving time and money by helping you with your daily tasks at a fraction of the cost of employing office based staff. You can delegate your support role tasks to us to enable you to get on with running the business. Our skill set covers from daily document control tasks to general administration duties and lots more.\n\nNo need to employ a full time permanent member of staff when you we could help you on a flexible basis, for as many hours that suit you and your business’s needs.\n\nWe have an extensive knowledge in Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) such as 4Projects, SharePoint, Business Collaborator etc. \n\nSolent Project Solutions are also proficient in all Microsoft Office package.\n\nBetween us we have worked on a wide range of projects and locations, from major sub contractors to high end clients.”,”description_html”:”Virtual document control\/Administration\n \nWe can help you by saving time and money by helping you with your daily tasks at a fraction of the cost of employing office based staff. You can delegate your support role tasks to us to enable you to get on with running the business. Our skill set covers from daily document control tasks to general administration duties and lots more.\n\nNo need to employ a full time permanent member of staff when you we could help you on a flexible basis, for as many hours that suit you and your business’s needs.\n\nWe have an extensive knowledge in Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) such as 4Projects, SharePoint, Business Collaborator etc. \n\nSolent Project Solutions are also proficient in all Microsoft Office package.\n\nBetween us we have worked on a wide range of projects and locations, from major sub contractors to high end clients.”,”display_subtext”:”Southampton”,”fan_count”:77,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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