Vass Bricklayers

{“id”:”332069266909893″,”name”:”Vass Bricklayers”,”location”:{“city”:”Melbourne”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-37.90316,”longitude”:145.12248,”state”:”VIC”},”emails”:[“”],”phone”:”0402801805″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/VassBricklayers\/”,”single_line_address”:”Melbourne, Victoria, Australia”,”about”:”This family owned and operated business has been servicing the Melbourne area for over 25 years, completing all manner of brick work.”,”category”:”Company”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”108427109235243″,”name”:”Home Improvement”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”332104096906410″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/843842_332104096906410_167131298_o.jpg?oh=b2f5daac79e8da82c1a4f7445f9bcc70&oe=596DD8EB”,”id”:”332104096906410″},”description”:”This family owned and operated business has been servicing the Melbourne area for over 25 years, completing all manner of brick work to a high professional standard and in a timely manner. Bill Vasiliou the founder of Vass Bricklaying has been involved in the building industry basically his whole life. His son’s Evan and Jamie have also had many years of experience. “,”description_html”:”This family owned and operated business has been servicing the Melbourne area for over 25 years, completing all manner of brick work to a high professional standard and in a timely manner. Bill Vasiliou the founder of Vass Bricklaying has been involved in the building industry basically his whole life. His son’s Evan and Jamie have also had many years of experience. “,”display_subtext”:”Melbourne, Victoria, Australia”,”fan_count”:64,”mission”:”Striving to complete all manner of brick work to a high professional standard and in a timely manner for new and old clients.”,”overall_star_rating”:5}

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