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Advanced Program for International Dentists in Implant Dentistry

{“id”:”387581681630600″,”name”:”Advanced Program for International Dentists in Implant Dentistry”,”location”:{“city”:”New York”,”country”:”United States”,”latitude”:40.73781,”longitude”:-73.97838,”state”:”NY”,”street”:”345 east 24th street, 5W”,”zip”:”10010″},”emails”:[“scc2@nyu.edu”],”website”:”http:\/\/dental.nyu.edu\/academicprograms\/programs-for-international-dentists\/implant-dentistry.html”,”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/nyu.dentistry.international.implant\/”,”single_line_address”:”345 east 24th street, 5W, New York, New York 10010″,”about”:”Full-time two-year clinical and didactic course of study in implant dentistry”,”category”:”Education”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”2250″,”name”:”Education”},{“id”:”145118935550090″,”name”:”Medical & Health”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”387951558260279″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:73,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t31.0-8\/s720x720\/14711381_387951558260279_5749767300713780855_o.jpg?oh=d5ef59189216eb911990e6cf7241680e&oe=5963D248″,”id”:”387951558260279″},”description”:”This program is a full-time two-year clinical, clinical research and didactic course of study. It is offered to dentists from countries other than the United States who seek to improve their clinical skills and knowledge in the field of implant dentistry.\nOBJECTIVES\nUpon successful completion of the Advanced Program in Implant Dentistry, program participants will have a thorough understanding and clinical competence in the diagnosis and treatment of endosseous and other types of dental implants. Participants will have the ability to successfully complete the diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment of assigned clinical cases of totally and partially edentulous patients who require specific implant procedures to fabricate implant supported prostheses.\nFACULTY\nParticipants treat a variety of patients under the close guidance of a world-renowned, diverse and experienced faculty.\nCOURSE COMPONENTS\nTopics to be covered include the basic sciences, clinical sciences, and current and future concepts in implant dentistry. A vast array of lectures, seminars, conferences and clinical experience are specifically designed to increase the participants\u2019 understanding of implant dentistry and most related cutting edge subjects. Utilizing 3D printer model to understand patient\u2019s anatomy for placing implant and sinus augmentation prior the surgery. Areas of concentration in research, surgery and\/or prosthetics will be available to increase knowledge and improve skills, dependent upon previous background, training and experience. There are opportunities to participate in elective experiences such as teaching, research and society meetings. Participation in the Greater New York Dental Meeting and NYUCD School Research Day poster presentation is required for all 2nd year students and presenting national and international meeting such as ICOI, AO, ACP, NEIS. Participation has an opportunity to publish articles and apply for ICOI diplomate. Ample time is made available for these and other individual student interests.\n”,”description_html”:”This program is a full-time two-year clinical, clinical research and didactic course of study. It is offered to dentists from countries other than the United States who seek to improve their clinical skills and knowledge in the field of implant dentistry.\nOBJECTIVES\nUpon successful completion of the Advanced Program in Implant Dentistry, program participants will have a thorough understanding and clinical competence in the diagnosis and treatment of endosseous and other types of dental implants. Participants will have the ability to successfully complete the diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment of assigned clinical cases of totally and partially edentulous patients who require specific implant procedures to fabricate implant supported prostheses.\nFACULTY\nParticipants treat a variety of patients under the close guidance of a world-renowned, diverse and experienced faculty.\nCOURSE COMPONENTS\nTopics to be covered include the basic sciences, clinical sciences, and current and future concepts in implant dentistry. A vast array of lectures, seminars, conferences and clinical experience are specifically designed to increase the participants\u2019 understanding of implant dentistry and most related cutting edge subjects. Utilizing 3D printer model to understand patient\u2019s anatomy for placing implant and sinus augmentation prior the surgery. Areas of concentration in research, surgery and\/or prosthetics will be available to increase knowledge and improve skills, dependent upon previous background, training and experience. There are opportunities to participate in elective experiences such as teaching, research and society meetings. Participation in the Greater New York Dental Meeting and NYUCD School Research Day poster presentation is required for all 2nd year students and presenting national and international meeting such as ICOI, AO, ACP, NEIS. Participation has an opportunity to publish articles and apply for ICOI diplomate. Ample time is made available for these and other individual student interests.\n”,”display_subtext”:”345 east 24th street, 5W\u30fbNew York, New York\u30fb3 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:332,”overall_star_rating”:4.9}

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