Dentist Emergency Australia

{“id”:”437046819660718″,”name”:”Dentist Emergency Australia”,”location”:{“city”:”Sydney”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.86698,”longitude”:151.21204,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”Level 12 187 Macquarie street”,”zip”:”2000″},”website”:”http:\/\/\/, https:\/\/\/101200680505408398545\/posts, https:\/\/\/24hourdentist”,”phone”:”1300 721 184, 1300 217 858 – Tooth Ache Emergency, 1800 947 366 – Wisdom Teeth Removal”,”link”:”https:\/\/\/Dentist-Emergency-Australia-437046819660718\/”,”single_line_address”:”Level 12 187 Macquarie street, Sydney, Australia 2000″,”about”:”Dental Emergency Australia utilizes advanced and state of the art technology to remove your wisdom teeth effectively. “,”category”:”Health\/Beauty”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”174187662626299″,”name”:”Dentist”},{“id”:”133152263416981″,”name”:”Hospital”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”659544587410939″,”offset_x”:50,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/1461209_659544587410939_162746012_n.jpg?oh=e207236b0dbde03e127187127790ea96&oe=59340B5A”,”id”:”659544587410939″},”description”:”Established by a group of dentists in Sydney, Emergency Dentist Australia provides patient oriented dental treatments to endow long lasting relief from tooth ache and wisdom teeth dental problems. Their skilled dental team strives to provide quality dental care for you and your family in a happy, professional and caring environment. By incorporating latest advancements in dental technology, Emergency Dentist Australia provides affordable, fast and efficient tooth ache relief and wisdom teeth removal in Sydney and Melbourne. Besides these, the experienced emergency dentists have established an affordable Weekend Set Fee system to solve your dental problems efficiently, gently and professionally. \n\nSchedule an appointment with Emergency Dentist Australia, click http:\/\/\/”,”description_html”:”Established by a group of dentists in Sydney, Emergency Dentist Australia provides patient oriented dental treatments to endow long lasting relief from tooth ache and wisdom teeth dental problems. Their skilled dental team strives to provide quality dental care for you and your family in a happy, professional and caring environment. By incorporating latest advancements in dental technology, Emergency Dentist Australia provides affordable, fast and efficient tooth ache relief and wisdom teeth removal in Sydney and Melbourne. Besides these, the experienced emergency dentists have established an affordable Weekend Set Fee system to solve your dental problems efficiently, gently and professionally. \n\nSchedule an appointment with Emergency Dentist Australia, click http:\/\/\/”,”display_subtext”:”Level 12 187 Macquarie street\u30fbSydney, Australia\u30fb1 person checked in here”,”fan_count”:25,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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