{“id”:”561420114061573″,”name”:”Excel Virtual Assistance”,”location”:{“city”:”Loughborough”,”country”:”United Kingdom”,”latitude”:52.769629,”longitude”:-1.2975086},”emails”:[“info@excelvirtualassistance.com”],”link”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/ExcelVA\/”,”single_line_address”:”Loughborough”,”about”:”I help small business owners and entrepreneurs increase their sales by helping them be more organised, saving valuable time and money in their business.”,”category”:”Region”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”115725465228008″,”name”:”Region”},{“id”:”1758418281071392″,”name”:”Local Service”},{“id”:”187133811318958″,”name”:”Business Service”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”638363706367213″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/scontent.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/17103568_638363706367213_2944301701240216223_n.png?oh=7750065eefa700eadb4c9aeb27b88b44&oe=59263F0F”,”id”:”638363706367213″},”description”:”Hi my name is Victoria and I have over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing and business administration. \n\nHaving worked with a lot of small businesses in the past I totally understand the issues and time constraints that small business owners and entrepreneurs face everyday.\n\nAs a small business owner it is really tough to be under pressure all the time and your to do list just gets longer and longer by the day, leaving you drowning under a mountain of paperwork.\n\nThis is where I can really add value to your small business by taking the pressure off you by taking on the jobs that you do not have the time to complete yourself, allowing you to get on with what your fabulous at – running your business.\n\nSome of the tasks that I can do for you are as follows:\n\nGeneral Admin, preparation and typing of presentations and documents\n\nEmail Management\n\nDiary Management\n\nMinute Taking\n\nPreparation, Design and Management of Excel Spreadsheets to help you manage your business numbers such as sales, expenditure or stock etc\n\nData Input, Extraction & Analysis\n\nDesigning of social media memes and Facebook banners etc\n\nMarketing Support\n\nSocial Media Support\n\nCredit Control\n\nCRM Creation & Maintenance\n \nArranging Travel \n\nEvent Management Support \n\nI work in harmony with my clients helping them to achieve business excellence.\n\nFor a free discovery call to discover how I can help you achieve business excellence please get in touch.”,”description_html”:”Hi my name is Victoria and I have over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing and business administration. \n\nHaving worked with a lot of small businesses in the past I totally understand the issues and time constraints that small business owners and entrepreneurs face everyday.\n\nAs a small business owner it is really tough to be under pressure all the time and your to do list just gets longer and longer by the day, leaving you drowning under a mountain of paperwork.\n\nThis is where I can really add value to your small business by taking the pressure off you by taking on the jobs that you do not have the time to complete yourself, allowing you to get on with what your fabulous at – running your business.\n\nSome of the tasks that I can do for you are as follows:\n\nGeneral Admin, preparation and typing of presentations and documents\n\nEmail Management\n\nDiary Management\n\nMinute Taking\n\nPreparation, Design and Management of Excel Spreadsheets to help you manage your business numbers such as sales, expenditure or stock etc\n\nData Input, Extraction & Analysis\n\nDesigning of social media memes and Facebook banners etc\n\nMarketing Support\n\nSocial Media Support\n\nCredit Control\n\nCRM Creation & Maintenance\n \nArranging Travel \n\nEvent Management Support \n\nI work in harmony with my clients helping them to achieve business excellence.\n\nFor a free discovery call to discover how I can help you achieve business excellence please get in touch.”,”display_subtext”:”Loughborough\u30fb1 person checked in here”,”fan_count”:138,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”09:00″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”09:00″,”tue_1_close”:”17:00″,”wed_1_open”:”09:00″,”wed_1_close”:”17:00″,”thu_1_open”:”09:00″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″,”fri_1_open”:”09:00″,”fri_1_close”:”17:00″},”overall_star_rating”:5}