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Throughout my working life I have been involved in Customer Service & administration within the manufacturing, logistic & engineering industries at a Management level. With that comes the skills of being able to change focus & tasks along with thinking outside the box when required.\nWith the added experience of having worked for a national logistics provider & running a small transport business I understand the supply chain from start to finish & all of the pressures that come with it.\nI learnt to wear the many different hats of a small business owner so understand the pressures & variety of roles this entails. You know you need to focus on the tasks that make you money but the boring tasks need completing also, so they accumulate & inevitably you work a weekend & a few late nights catching up.\nI now take away those boring & non profitable tasks from businesses to make their time count & allowing their businesses to grow.\nWorking to deadlines is a given in this day & age but there are ways to reduce the amount of pressure by making full use of the resources & experience available to you.\nOne of which is RHVA, I can undertake your administrative tasks & can be your complete back office solution. \nI don’t work for you, I work with you to create a strong working relationship allowing you to be more proactive & more importantly to save time & make money. \nWith my knowledge & experience I add value to what I do for you because I understand it.\n”,”description_html”:”Rachel Willmott is the owner of RHVA. Throughout my working life I have been involved in Customer Service & administration within the manufacturing, logistic & engineering industries at a Management level. With that comes the skills of being able to change focus & tasks along with thinking outside the box when required.\nWith the added experience of having worked for a national logistics provider & running a small transport business I understand the supply chain from start to finish & all of the pressures that come with it.\nI learnt to wear the many different hats of a small business owner so understand the pressures & variety of roles this entails. You know you need to focus on the tasks that make you money but the boring tasks need completing also, so they accumulate & inevitably you work a weekend & a few late nights catching up.\nI now take away those boring & non profitable tasks from businesses to make their time count & allowing their businesses to grow.\nWorking to deadlines is a given in this day & age but there are ways to reduce the amount of pressure by making full use of the resources & experience available to you.\nOne of which is RHVA, I can undertake your administrative tasks & can be your complete back office solution. \nI don’t work for you, I work with you to create a strong working relationship allowing you to be more proactive & more importantly to save time & make money. \nWith my knowledge & experience I add value to what I do for you because I understand it.\n”,”display_subtext”:”Newnham Lane\u30fbRugby, Warwickshire”,”fan_count”:101,”founded”:”Rachel Willmott”,”hours”:{“mon_1_open”:”09:00″,”mon_1_close”:”17:00″,”tue_1_open”:”09:00″,”tue_1_close”:”17:00″,”wed_1_open”:”09:00″,”wed_1_close”:”17:00″,”thu_1_open”:”09:00″,”thu_1_close”:”17:00″,”fri_1_open”:”09:00″,”fri_1_close”:”17:00″},”overall_star_rating”:0}