The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers

{“id”:”838859502849594″,”name”:”The Australian Institute of Personal Trainers”,”location”:{“city”:”Kensington”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-33.909341,”longitude”:151.223226,”state”:”NSW”,”street”:”113 Anzac Parade”,”zip”:”2033″},”website”:”http:\/\/\/location\/kensington-campus\/”,”phone”:”1300 880 255″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/AIPT.Kensington\/”,”single_line_address”:”113 Anzac Parade, Kensington, New South Wales 2033″,”category”:”Local Business”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”186982054657561″,”name”:”Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness”},{“id”:”2250″,”name”:”Education”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1637746109587654″,”offset_x”:600,”offset_y”:0,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/17190441_1637746109587654_6038121419251748510_n.jpg?oh=b48393cc10bcd93fcdb2f1ee1747d3ee&oe=596EEC04″,”id”:”1637746109587654″},”description”:”Rob Derbyshire has worked as a Personal Trainer in the USA and London, and played soccer at a national level. He is interested in all varieties of fitness training; adventure racing, kayaking, mountain biking, soccer and rugby, as well as coaching his son\u2019s sporting teams. Since completing his Certificate IV in Fitness, Rob has amassed a great deal of experience in the fitness industry, both as a trainer and an educator.”,”description_html”:”Rob Derbyshire has worked as a Personal Trainer in the USA and London, and played soccer at a national level. He is interested in all varieties of fitness training; adventure racing, kayaking, mountain biking, soccer and rugby, as well as coaching his son\u2019s sporting teams. Since completing his Certificate IV in Fitness, Rob has amassed a great deal of experience in the fitness industry, both as a trainer and an educator.”,”display_subtext”:”113 Anzac Parade\u30fbKensington, New South Wales\u30fb2 people checked in here”,”fan_count”:12,”overall_star_rating”:0}

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