House Sitting Hobart & Tasmania wide

{“id”:”906980735985743″,”name”:”House Sitting Hobart & Tasmania wide”,”location”:{“city”:”Hobart”,”country”:”Australia”,”latitude”:-42.87129,”longitude”:147.31702,”state”:”TAS”,”street”:”Argyle street”,”zip”:”7000″},”emails”:[“”],”website”:”http:\/\/”,”phone”:”0428568852″,”link”:”https:\/\/\/House-Sitting-Hobart-Tasmania-wide-906980735985743\/”,”single_line_address”:”Argyle street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000″,”about”:”Professional House sitting Service\nA team of 21 house sitters\nAll police checked\nAll pets first aid trained\nFully insured service\nSitters have 24\/7 suppo\n “,”category”:”Professional Service”,”category_list”:[{“id”:”2500″,”name”:”Local Business”}],”cover”:{“cover_id”:”1257394187611061″,”offset_x”:0,”offset_y”:61,”source”:”https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-9\/s720x720\/12743774_1257394187611061_54800589885702320_n.jpg?oh=fada69beb8f79a41890d925bdf34a9c4&oe=596FF87F”,”id”:”1257394187611061″},”description”:”Why house sitting?\n House sitting is less stress on your pets as they get to stay in the comfort of their own home no running around to and from kennels before & after your holidays.Your pets do not have to be up to date on their vaccinations,as well as house security.In many cases it is a lot cheaper than putting your pets in a Kennel or cattery & much nicer too.\nOur house sitters are all police checked professional,trustworthy,reliable,Mature and all are pets CPR and first aid trained.All of them love pets and people and nothing makes our team members happier than pleasing you and your pets.Our sitter have 24\/7 support and your pets are insured whilst in our care.\nyou know the old saying you get what you pay for.You get to have a meet n greet with your house sitters and show them what you would like done as well as where you keep your pets food,what time you feed and your pets when and how long you walk your dogs so we may keep your pets in their routine as much as possible.Our sitters have 24\/7 support and your pets are insured whilst in our care\nIf you like the house sitters I have sent out you call me asap to book them for you and make payment or a deposit.I will send you some paper work out some is filled out and sent back to me and some is left on your kitchen counter with all your pets information and how you would want them cared for your phone numbers and your vets information,an information pack really.”,”description_html”:”Why house sitting?\n House sitting is less stress on your pets as they get to stay in the comfort of their own home no running around to and from kennels before & after your holidays.Your pets do not have to be up to date on their vaccinations,as well as house security.In many cases it is a lot cheaper than putting your pets in a Kennel or cattery & much nicer too.\nOur house sitters are all police checked professional,trustworthy,reliable,Mature and all are pets CPR and first aid trained.All of them love pets and people and nothing makes our team members happier than pleasing you and your pets.Our sitter have 24\/7 support and your pets are insured whilst in our care.\nyou know the old saying you get what you pay for.You get to have a meet n greet with your house sitters and show them what you would like done as well as where you keep your pets food,what time you feed and your pets when and how long you walk your dogs so we may keep your pets in their routine as much as possible.Our sitters have 24\/7 support and your pets are insured whilst in our care\nIf you like the house sitters I have sent out you call me asap to book them for you and make payment or a deposit.I will send you some paper work out some is filled out and sent back to me and some is left on your kitchen counter with all your pets information and how you would want them cared for your phone numbers and your vets information,an information pack really.”,”display_subtext”:”Argyle street\u30fbHobart, Tasmania\u30fb1 person checked in here”,”fan_count”:897,”overall_star_rating”:5}

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